Configuring ICEpdf

Table of Contents

This chapter contains instructions to help you get up and running quickly with ICEpdf. We start by outlining the prerequisites for a standard configuration using a Java Platform, Standard Edition, and Apache Maven or Gradle to help you build the product from source.

Next we outline runtime configuration settings to best meet the needs of your application requirements and deployment environments:

  • Numerous configuration properties may be adjusted using pre-defined system properties to alter the behavior of ICEpdf for your application, such as cache sizes and behaviors, render quality, settings, etc.


ICEpdf is a standard Java 2 application, and as such, the only prerequisite to working with ICEpdf is that you must be familiar with Java 2 development. For more information on the Java Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE), refer to

To run the ICEpdf example and reference applications, you will need to download and install the following:

  • Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, version 1.8 or higher
  • Apache Ant

The following sections provide detailed instructions for downloading the software to set up an environment where you can run the ICEpdf example and reference applications.

Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition

To run ICEpdf, ICEpdf reference implementations or examples, you will need to install a version of the Java Platform JDK, Standard Edition, version 1.8 or higher.

If you already have Java installed on your system, verify your version by typing the following on the command line:

java -version

To upgrade or install the latest release of the J2SE, visit the Sun web site:

Installers and instructions are provided for the various systems that Sun supports. The reference and example application can run on any version of Windows, Unix, Linux, and Mac OS X capable of running J2SE version 1.8 or higher.


The ICEpdf core, reference applications and examples rely on Apache Ant or Gradle to build the source code. You will need Maven version 3.0 or higher or Gradle 4.0 to run build files located in our SVN repository

If you already have a version of Maven installed, you can verify that you have a recommended version by typing the following on the command line:

mvn -version

To upgrade your current version or install a new version of Maven, visit the following location:


If you already have a version of Gradle installed, you can verify that you have a recommended version by typing the following on the command line:

gradle -version

To upgrade your current version or install a new version of Gradle, visit the following location:

If you are not familiar with Maven or Gradle, instructions for building the ICEpdf libraries and examples can be found here:

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