ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA_P04 Release Notes

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on Jan 10, 2017 09:37.

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 h1. ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA_P04 Release Notes
 *{_}July 27th, 2016{_}*
 h2. About This Release
 _ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA_P04_ is a certified ICEfaces Enterprise Edition maintenance patch release.
 h4. Contents
 These Release Notes include the following sections:
 * [About This Release|#about]
 * [Downloads|#downloads]
 * [Changes in EE 3.3.0.GA_P04|#P04changes]
 * [Changes in EE 3.3.0.GA_P03|#P03changes]
 * [Changes in EE 3.3.0.GA_P02|#P02changes]
 * [Changes in EE 3.3.0.GA_P01|#P01changes]
 * [Key Features|#keyfeatures]
 * [Migration Guide|#migrationguide]
 * [Supported Platforms|#supportedplatforms]
 * [Known Issues|#knownissues]
 * [3rd Party Libraries|#3rdlibs]
 * [Support|#support]
 h2. Downloads
 ICEfaces EE is available in both binary and source download bundles.
 ICEfaces EE downloads are available on the [download page| Releases].
 h1. ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA_P04 Release Notes
 *{_}July 27th, 2016{_}*
 h2. About This Release
 _ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA_P04_ is a certified ICEfaces Enterprise Edition maintenance patch release.
 h4. Contents
 These Release Notes include the following sections:
 * [About This Release|#about]
 * [Downloads|#downloads]
 * [Changes in EE 3.3.0.GA_P04|#P04changes]
 * [Changes in EE 3.3.0.GA_P03|#P03changes]
 * [Changes in EE 3.3.0.GA_P02|#P02changes]
 * [Changes in EE 3.3.0.GA_P01|#P01changes]
 * [Key Features|#keyfeatures]
 * [Migration Guide|#migrationguide]
 * [Supported Platforms|#supportedplatforms]
 * [Known Issues|#knownissues]
 * [3rd Party Libraries|#3rdlibs]
 * [Support|#support]
 h2. Downloads
 ICEfaces EE is available in both binary and source download bundles.
 ICEfaces EE downloads are available on the [download page| Releases].
 {tip}Note that the original release bundles shipped with an incorrect version string in the icepush-ee.pom file. This was corrected under [IPCK-549|] and subsequently released in the revised bundle files.{tip}
 h2. Changes in EE 3.3.0.GA_P04
 ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA_P04 (Patch 4) includes over 115 fixes and improvements.
 h4. Additional Platform Support
 The following recent platform releases have been certified and added as [Supported Platforms|#supportedplatforms] in this release:
 * Microsoft Edge browser.
 * JBoss EAP 6.4, 7.0
 * JBoss WildFly 9, 10
 * Oracle WebLogic 12c R2 (12.2.1) ^*^
 * Liferay Portal 6.3
 h4. ACE Components
 40 bugs fixed, plus the new features and enhancements noted below.
 *New Components:*
 * [JIRA|'>ICE-10638</a>] - New ace:panelStack with custom tag-handler rendering optimization and client capabilities to greatly reduce server component tree size and associated rendering time and memory use.
 *Enhanced Components:*
 * [JIRA|] - Update jQuery library to 1.12.3 release
 * ace:dataExporter
 ** [JIRA|] - add support for the encoding attribute
 * ace:dataTable
 ** [JIRA|] - ace:dataTable - Add new 'enhMultiple' selection mode
 ** [JIRA|] - ace:dataTable - Add styling for hovering over a selected row
 * ace:dateTimeEntry
 ** [JIRA|] - 'Now' button should honor timeZone attribute
 * ace:gMapMarker
 ** [JIRA|] - Add ability to set marker with just an address
 * ace:textEntry
 ** [JIRA|] - Replace input element when setting it to type='password'
 h4. ICE Components
 * ice:inputRichText
 ** [JIRA|] - Update CKEditor to version 4.5.8 to support MS Edge Browser
 * Plus an additional 14 bugs fixed.
 h4. ICECORE Components
 * [JIRA|] - icecore:focusManager - Support setting focus to buttons and links
 * [JIRA|] - icecore:idleMonitor - add ability to configure user events that are monitored for idleness
 h4. EE Composite Components
 * ice-cc:schedule
 ** [JIRA|] - Dates added for a year are duplicated in other years month views
 h4. Core Framework
 * [JIRA|] - New comprehensive global client-side logging feature. See for details.
 * [JIRA|] - Mitigate Apache commons-collections library zero-day exploit.
 * [JIRA|] - ice.window, ice.view parameters vulnerable to JS injection attack
 * [JIRA|] - Add a sessionTimeoutRedirectURI parameter
 * [JIRA|] - Add the capability to dynamically change the lang attribute of an <html> tag.
 * Plus an additional 20 bugs fixed.
 h4. ICEpush
 * [JIRA|] - Support multiple blocking connections when IE11's 'New Session' is used
 * [JIRA|] - Accurate cleanup of PushIDs across multiple windows and page reloads
 * [JIRA|] - Avoid blocking connection switchover whenever a new window is opened
 * [JIRA|] - Improve LocalPushGroupManager's queue handling
 * [JIRA|] - Add automatic retry capability for failed push update retrieval requests
 * [JIRA|] - Improve HTML5 localStorage detection
 * [JIRA|] - Make configurable network error retries
 * [JIRA|] - Add startup logging for ICEpush configuration parameters
 * [JIRA|] - Document ICEpush-EE exclusive configuration parameters
 * [JIRA|] - Lower Some NaaS code.icepush Logging levels
 * Plus an additional 12 bugs fixed.
 h4. JSF Runtimes
 * The Mojarra JSF library included in this release has been updated to 2.1.29-04.
 {tip:title=Change Logs}For a complete list of all changes in this release since the previous ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA_P04 release, see the related JIRA Change Logs:
 * [ICEfaces EE Core Framework and Components|]
 * [ICEfaces EE Exclusive Features|]
 * [ICEpush EE|]
 h2. Changes in EE 3.3.0.GA_P03
 ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA_P03 (Patch 3) includes over 170 fixes and improvements.
 h4. Additional Platform Support
 The following recent platform releases have been added as [Supported Platforms|#supportedplatforms] in this release:
 * Apache Tomcat 8
 * JBoss EAP 6.3
 * JBoss WildFly 8.2
 * Improved support for Internet Explorer 11.
 h4. ACE Components
 67 bugs fixed, plus the new features and enhancements noted below.
 *New Components:*
 * [JIRA|] - icecore:focusManager - Add complete focusManager support to 3.x.
 * [JIRA|] - Add icecore:idleMonitor to the 3.3.x maintenance branch.
 *Enhanced Components:*
 * ace:autoCompleteEntry
 [JIRA|] - autoCompleteEntry does not support objects as values with conversion.
 * ace:column
 [JIRA|] - ace:column - Add new "sortWhenGrouping" boolean attribute to optionally support grouping without sorting.
 [JIRA|] - ace:column - Add new "hideSortControls" attribute.
 [JIRA|] - ace:column - Use keyboard to activate sort buttons.
 * ace:dialog
 [JIRA|] - ace:dialog - Add new "none" value for "setFocus" attribute.
 [JIRA|] - ace:dialog - Trigger Ajax close event on Escape keypress.
 * ace:dataTable
 [JIRA|] - ace:dataTable - Add a 'caption' attribute.
 [JIRA|] - Increase height of background image for active and hover states in Sam theme.
 * ace:fileEntry
 [JIRA|] - ace:fileEntry - Callback handler submits before the JSF lifecycle starts.
 * ace:gMap
 [JIRA|] - ace:gMap - Add an actionListener when a gMapEvent is triggered.
 [JIRA|] - ace:gMapEvent, add 'disabled' attribute.
 [JIRA|] - ace:gMap - Add support for multiple subcomponent instances.
 * ace:menuBar
 [JIRA|] - ace:menuBar - Add a maxHeight attribute.
 * ace:rowEditor
 [JIRA|] - ace:rowEditor - re-apply focus to row editor buttons after toggling edit mode.
 * ace:subMenu
 [JIRA|] - ace:submenu - Set width depending on contents.
 [JIRA|] - ace:submenu - Add an action/actionListener or ajax event.
 * ace:submitMonitor
 [JIRA|] - ace:submitMonitor - Enable monitor for use with ace:fileEntry.
 * ace:textEntry
 [JIRA|] - ace:textEntry, ace:textAreaEntry - Add new "charCount" client event.
 * ace:textAreaEntry
 [JIRA|] - ace:textAreaEntry - Add a 'readonly' and 'disabled' attribute.
 [JIRA|] - ace:textEntry, ace:textAreaEntry - Add new "charCount" client event.
 * ace:tooltip
 [JIRA|] - ace:tooltip - Add the capability to dynamically render a tooltip when used with a dataTable.
 h4. ICE Components
 * 14 bugs fixed.
 h4. EE Composite Components
 * 10 bugs fixed.
 h4. Core Framework
 [JIRA|] - icecore:focusManager - Allow focus to be set on Ajax updates.
 [JIRA|] - icecore:config - Add lazyWindowScope attribute.
 [JIRA|] - Increase windowScopeExpiration default to greater than 1000 millis.
 * 25 bugs fixed.
 h4. ICEpush
 [JIRA|] - Subdue noisy logging for icepush when browser window is closed before response returns to view.
 [JIRA|] - Make settings of PushStormDetectionServer configurable.
 [JIRA|] - Throttle push instead of shutting down when Push Storm is detected.
 [JIRA|] - Add httpOnly and secure attributes to the ice.push.browser Cookie.
 [JIRA|] - Switch from using a .p12 keystore to a .jks keystore for the APNSNotificationProvider.
 [JIRA|] - Callback mechanism for error-free blocking connection running.
 [JIRA|] - When APNS properties aren't set the APNS Notification Provider should be off.
 * 12 bugs fixed.
 h4. Samples
 * ICEfaces Showcase Sample Application
 ** Several demonstration panels have been added or updated to illustrate key features of the new and improved ACE components.
 h4. JSF Runtimes
 * The MyFaces JSF library included in this release has been updated to 2.1.17.
 {tip:title=Change Logs}For a complete list of all changes in this release since the previous ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA_P02 release, see the related JIRA Change Logs:
 * [ICEfaces EE Core Framework and Components|]
 * [ICEfaces EE Exclusive Features|]
 * [ICEpush EE|]
 h2. Changes in EE 3.3.0.GA_P02
 ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA_P02 (Patch 2) includes over 200 fixes and improvements.
 h4. Additional Platform Support
 The following recent platform releases have been added as [Supported Platforms|#supportedplatforms] in this release:
 * IBM WebSphere AS 8.5.5
 * JBoss EAP 6.1
 * JBoss WildFly 8
 * Liferay Portal 6.2
 * In addition, support for clustered EPS deployments has been added for RedHat JBoss EAP 6.
 h4. ACE Components
 107 Bugs fixed, plus the new features and enhancements noted below.
 *New Components:*
 * [JIRA|] - New ace:buttonGroup container
 * [JIRA|] - New ace:radioButton component
 *Enhanced Components:*
 * ace:autoCompleteEntry
 ** [JIRA|] - Removed unsupported "onclick, etc." pass-through attributes from component TLD docs
 * ace:chart
 ** [JIRA|] - Add "varyBarColor" property
 ** [JIRA|] - Add "barWidth" property
 ** [JIRA|] - Allow for the exported image to be downloaded with a single click
 * ace:comboBox
 ** [JIRA|] - Remove unsupported "onclick, etc." pass-through attributes from component TLD docs
 * ace:dialog
 ** [JIRA|] - Add new "setFocus" attribute
 * ace:dataTable
 ** [JIRA|] - Now automatically supports maintaining header and body column hierarchy with ace:columnGroup
 ** [JIRA|] - Add new "rowClick" and "rowDblClick" ace:ajax events
 ** [JIRA|] - Support Page Up Page Down Keyboard Pagination in ace:dataTable
 ** [JIRA|] - Support localized text in paginatorTemplate
 ** [JIRA|] - Remove paginator dependency on YUI (reduces resource requirements)
 ** [JIRA|] - Support for IE10 clear icon for filter input fields
 ** [JIRA|] - Corrected issue with filter value always being set to lower case / filter value not shown in drop down. This may affect existing application behaviour as the filtering function no longer sets the filter value to lowercase. Any existing filtering logic that depends on the previous .toLowerCase behaviour will require updating.
 * ace:fileEntry
 ** [JIRA|] - Add support for Servlet 3 multi-part uploads.
 *** When running on a Servlet 3 compatible server (such as WAS 8.x, WebLogic 12c, JBoss Wildfly 8, and Glassfish 3) additional Servlet 3 / multipart configuration entries are required in the web.xml for ace:fileEntry.
 *** See the [ace:FileEntry|] Wiki Topic for more information.
 * ace:rowEditor
 ** [JIRA|] - Add support for reverting user edits when clicking the 'X' button
 ** [JIRA|] - Keep row in edit mode when validation fails
 * ace:tableConfigPanel
 ** [JIRA|] - Add built in support for ace:columnGroup
 ** [JIRA|] - Support for keeping stacked columns together
 ** [JIRA|] - Support localizable label text
 * ace:textEntry
 ** [JIRA|] - Add "secret" attribute
 * ace:maskedEntry
 ** [JIRA|] - Remove unsupported "onclick, etc." pass-through attributes from component TLD docs
 * ace:richTextEntry
 ** [JIRA|] - Updated CKEditor to version 4.3 (required for IE11 support).
 *** When running on IE7 only the older CKEditor 3.6.6 will be used as IE7 is not supported by v4.3.
 *** Note that the skinning scheme used by CKeditor has changed in v4.3 and the previous support for changing the CKEditor skin via the "skin" attribute is not supported in this release on none-IE7 browsers. Support for additional skins is planned for a future release, please contact ICEsoft Support if you have questions or concerns with this.
 * 3rd Party JavaScript Libraries
 ** Update jQuery to v1.7
 ** Update CKEditor library to 4.3 for all browsers except IE7, which will use instead for compatibility.
 ** Update jQuery Timepicker Addon to v1.2.0
 ** Update jQuery UI to v1.8.24
 ** Update qTip library to 2.2.0
 ** Update Wijmo library to 3.0.6
 ** See the icefaces/lib/versions-licenses.html file in the release bundle for details on all included libraries.
 h4. ICE Components
 * [JIRA|] Provide caching control headers for the 'compat' resources.
 * 15 bugs fixed.
 h4. EE Composite Components
 * ice-cc:richDataGrid
 ** [JIRA|] - Add ability to disable the confirmation dialog for deleting a record.
 ** [JIRA|] - Add easier createNewRow methods.
 * 4 bugs fixed.
 h4. Core Framework
 * [JIRA|] - Add support for "sessionExpiredRedirectURI" config param
 * [JIRA|] - Name the faces-config.xml resources to allow ordering of resources
 * [JIRA|] - Add timestamps to JavaScript console log entries
 * [JIRA|] - Fix CVE-2014-0050 DoS with malformed Content-Type header and multipart request processing
 * 15 bugs fixed.
 h4. ICEpush
 * [JIRA|] - ICEpush now works in cookie less mode
 * 9 bugs fixed.
 h4. EPS (Enterprise Push Server)
 * [JIRA|] - Add support for and to the JMSAdapter
 h4. Load Testing
 * [JIRA|] - The ICEfaces bridge now requires that the "ice.push.browser" cookie be defined and processed in each transaction. This will impact existing load testing scripts.
 ** See the EE-3.3.0.GA_P02 specific notes in the following Load Testing Wiki Topics for more information:
 *** [Processing the Initial Response]
 *** [Sampling and Interaction]
 h4. Samples
 * ICEfaces Showcase Sample Application
 ** [JIRA|] - Make showcase ACE DataTable cell selection sample use simplified EL
 ** [JIRA|] - Add showcase ace:dataTable demo to demonstrate persistence of ace:tableConfigPanel user settings
 ** Several new demonstration panels have been added to illustrate key features of the new and improved ACE components.
 * AuctionMonitor Sample Application
 ** [JIRA|] - AuctionMonitor input bid fields should update to the highest bid + 1.00
 h4. JSF Runtimes
 * The Mojarra JSF library included in this release has been updated to v2.1.28.
 * The MyFaces JSF library included in this release has been updated to 2.1.15.
 {tip:title=Change Logs}For a complete list of all changes in this release since the previous ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA_P01 release, see the related JIRA Change Logs:
 * [ICEfaces EE Core Framework and Components|]
 * [ICEfaces EE Exclusive Features|]
 * [ICEpush EE|]
 h2. Changes in EE 3.3.0.GA_P01
 ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA_P01 (Patch 1) includes over 40 improvements and fixes, including an important fix for an issue introduced in EE 3.3.0.GA that can cause larger than required partial-page updates to occur, potentially resulting in unexpected component state-changes in the browser, and/or a decrease in application rendering performance. See [JIRA||] for details.
 h4. ACE Components
 * [JIRA||] - ace:chart - Export image to server
 * [JIRA||] - ace:comboBox - Issues when SelectItem label and value don&#39;t match
 * [JIRA||] - ace:comboBox filter is applied to item value and not the label
 * [JIRA||] - ace:dataTable navigateToRow() doesn&#39;t work when result not visible
 * [JIRA||] - ace:dataTable &gt; Pin Columns - Selection and then pinning causes table misalignment
 * [JIRA||] - ace:dataTable - Scrollable dataTable column misalignment in IE9/10
 * [JIRA||] - ace:tableConfigPanel - Header value defined in a facet not displayed in panel
 * [JIRA||] - ace:tableConfigPanel - PropertyNotWritableException thrown
 * [JIRA||] - ace:dataExporter Composite Component Backing Bean Attribute Issue
 * [JIRA||] - ace:dateTimeEntry stops working in editable ace:dataTable
 * [JIRA||] - ace:dateTimeEntry - Clicking Today button closes popup
 * [JIRA||] - DateTimeEntry, interacted with, then client side cleanup, not clearing widgetVar
 * [JIRA||] - WebSphere 8.5 - ee-composite-showcase - File Upload Progress demo fails uploading files with name containing special characters
 * [JIRA||] - ace:list &gt; Submitting selection inside iterative container causes de-select (MyFaces)
 * [JIRA||] - ace:maskedEntry &gt; keypress Ajax Event Failure
 * [JIRA||] - ace:menu - Dispose window called when selecting menuItem in IE
 * [JIRA||] - IceClientBehaviorHolder specify their AjaxBehaviorEvent subclass
 * [JIRA||] - ace:notificationPanel - Panel is displayed behind the ace:tabSet
 * [JIRA||] - ace:selectMenu - not showing the selected item if the list contains one item
 * [JIRA||] - ace:textEntry fails to submit required fields after failed validation (MyFaces only)
 * [JIRA||] - ace:tooltip &gt; Tooltip renders in incorrect location in IE8 + IE10 JS error
 * [JIRA||] - Converter issues in ACE autocomplete and selection components
 h4. ICE Components
 * [JIRA||] - Non-thread safe DateFormat usage causing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
 * [JIRA||] - DateFormat utility is not thread safe
 * [JIRA||] - ConcurrentModificationException in InputRichTextResourceHandler
 * [JIRA||] - ice:selectOneMenu/selectOneRadio - focus lost after updating component style
 * [JIRA||] - ice:selectInputText - forces focus on itself after focus was moved to another element
 * [JIRA||] - ice:selectInputText - 2 tab clicks needed to move to next input in IE9
 * [JIRA||] - Compat broken theme image links in CSS
 h4. Core Framework
 * [JIRA||] - Add ability to configure the base path of an application (was: Port ICE-7941 feature into ICEfaces 3.x codebase)
 * [JIRA||] - DOM clone/copy reduces adjacent TEXT nodes which causes unintended DOM differences, so javascript executes redundantly
 * [JIRA||] - Make Diff propagated to root but no ID set error debug logging configurable
 * [JIRA||] - RuntimeException: Cannot clone document
 * [JIRA||] - Resource coalescing omitting fileentry.js
 h4. Portlets
 {info}Support for WebSphere Portal 7 has been discontinued in this release.
 Please contact [ICEsoft Support|] if you have any questions or concerns.{info}
 * [JIRA||] - Resource coalescing does not work in a portlet environment
 * [JIRA||] - Some EE-specific resources get loaded multiple times with portlets
 * [JIRA||] - Portlets showing Network Connected Interrupt Dialog when session expires (requires LiferayFaces 3.1.4-ga5).
 h4. ICEpush EE
 * [JIRA||] - PushRenderer.removeCurrentSession does not stop push heartbeat
 h4. Sample Applications
 * ICEfaces Showcase
 * [JIRA||] - ICEfaces Showcase, some demo Java Source Code files map to the wrong files
 * [JIRA||] - showcase - ace:TextEntry - missing validation message
 * ^*_New_*^ CDI Sample for WebSphere 8
 * [JIRA||] - Support for ICEfaces CDI applications on WebSphere 8
 {tip:title=Change Logs}For a complete list of all changes in this release since the previous ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA release, see the related JIRA Change Logs:
 * [ICEfaces EE Core Framework and Components|]
 * [ICEfaces EE Exclusive Features|]
 * [ICEpush EE|]
 h2. Key Features
 ICEfaces Enterprise Edition includes a suite of enterprise software and documentation that will enhance your ICEfaces project from development, through testing and deployment. In addition to high quality certified software and tools, ICEfaces EE includes direct access to the extensive knowledge and expertise of our technical team.
 ICEfaces-EE provides the following exclusive Enterprise features in addition to all of the [features|] available in ICEfaces:
 h4. Certified Software
 ICEfaces EE has been certified against a wide-range of supported commercial and open-source application servers, portal-containers, and 3rd-party frameworks. See the [Supported Platforms|#supportedplatforms] section for details.
 h4. Enterprise Components
 ICEfaces EE includes the [EE Components|EE Components]. The EE Components are exclusive to ICEfaces EE and are not available in the open-source ICEfaces project.
 * [EE Accessible Components |Accessible Components]\- a set of components, based on the ICEfaces [ICE components|], that have been modified and optimized for use in application environments with strict [WCAG|] accessibility requirements, including the need to support client browsers that have no support for JavaScript, or have JavaScript disabled.
 * [EE Composite Components|Composite Components] \- an extensive set of Facelet-composition components that provide ready-to-use functionality for common enterprise application tasks, such as dual-list, tree-table, and schedule.
 {tip}The EE Composite Components are tag-compatible with the ICEfaces EE 1.8 Composite Components, providing a straight-forward migration to 2.0 for existing ICEfaces EE 1.8 projects.{tip}
 h4. Enterprise Push Server (EPS)
 The [Enterprise Push Server|Enterprise Push Server] extends the standard Ajax Push capabilities of open-source ICEfaces with these critical enterprise-grade features:
 * Multi-application Support.&nbsp; EPS supports concurrent use of multiple ICEfaces push-enabled applications on the same application server (host-name) in the same client browser.&nbsp; The ICEfaces open-source ICEpush library can only support a single push application from the same server (host-name) in the same browser at one time.
 * Distributed management of blocking push connections across a cluster for increased application scalability.
 * Load-balancing of Ajax Push connections across a cluster for increased application scalability.
 * Fail over of Ajax Push connections across a cluster for high application availability.
 * Asynchronous Request Processing (ARP) integration on application servers with Servlet 3.0 support for increased Ajax Push scalability.
 h4. Core Framework Extensions
 ICEfaces EE includes the core framework extensions library that can improve the ICEfaces experience on EE-certified platforms:
 * *Support for Legacy Internet Explorer (IE) Browsers (IE6 / IE7)*. The standard JSF libraries don't always process dynamic Ajax DOM updates in a manner that older IE browsers can fully support, often resulting in dynamic DOM element changes not being rendered properly in the browser. ICEfaces EE provides core framework extensions to work-around these JSF limitations, providing a more reliable and consistent user-experience on IE6 and IE7 browsers.
 * *Embedded HTML Compatibility for JSF 1.x Facelets Applications* \- Configurable support for wrapping HTML markup in Facelets pages into components at runtime. This provides perfect backwards compatibility with ICEfaces 1.8 Facelets applications that otherwise would see adverse side-effects from differences in how Facelets processes embedded HTML markup between JSF 1 and 2.
 h4. PortletFaces Bridge Extensions
 ICEfaces EE provides the PortletFacesBridge Extensions library that adds features required to support commercial portal containers, such as WebSphere Portal.
 h4. Sample Applications
 * *[Accessible Component Showcase]* \- Demonstrates the use of the EE Accessible Components.
 * *[Composite Component Showcase]* \- Demonstrates the features of the EE Composite Components.
 * *[EPS Poller Application|Poll Application]* \- Demonstrates an Ajax Push application using EPS with various deployment scenarios, including fail-over support in a clustered deployment.
 h4. Project Builder
 The [Project Builder] wizard application generates a working ICEfaces EE application template based on developer question-and-answer inputs.
 h4. Functional & Load Testing Documentation, Tutorials, and Reference Materials
 The ICEfaces EE Wiki includes extensive documentation, tutorials, and reference materials that clearly explain and demonstrate successful testing techniques for use with ICEfaces.
 * [Functional Testing With Selenium|]
 * [Load Testing|] techniques for use with JMeter and other load testing tools.
 h4. Deployment Guides
 The ICEfaces EE Wiki provides extensive configuration and [deployment guides|Deployment Resources] for all supported application server and portal container platforms. In addition, server-specific [step-by-step instructions|Server Configuration Appendices] are provided to enable fast, successful deployments for each of the following deployment scenarios:
 * Stand-alone server
 * Stand-alone server w/ EPS
 * Clustered server w/ EPS (including fail-over)
 h2. Migration Guide
 An ICEfaces 2 to ICEfaces 3 Migration Guide is available for those wishing to migrate their existing ICEaces 2.x applications to ICEfaces 3.0.
 * [ICEfaces 2 to ICEfaces 3 Migration Guide|]
 h2. Supported Platforms
 h3. Java VMs
 * Java 5 - 8
 h3. JSF Runtimes
 * Oracle Mojarra JSF 2.1.3-2.1.6, 2.1.18, 2.1.19, 2.1.21 - 2.1.29-04 (included).
 * Apache MyFaces JSF 2.1.9-2.1.17 (included).
 h3. Browsers
 * Chrome 51
 * Firefox 45.2.0 (ESR) - 47
 * IE 7 - Edge
 * Safari 8 - 9
 h4. Mobile Browsers
 * Apple iOS Safari
 * Google Android Chrome
 h3. Application Servers
 Specific installation and configuration information for some platforms can be found in the [Server Configuration Appendices].
 * Apache Tomcat 6, 7, 8
 * IBM WebSphere AS 7, 8
 * Oracle Glassfish v3.1
 * Oracle WebLogic Server 11g (10.3.0 - 10.3.6), 12c, 12c R2 ^*^
 * RedHat JBoss AS 5, 6, 7, WildFly 8
 * RedHat JBoss EAP 6
 ^*^ See the Known Issues for an important configuration note.
 h3. Portal Containers
 - Apache Pluto 2.0.3
 - Liferay Portal 5, 6
 Apache Pluto Portlet deployments require the PortletFaces Bridge library. Note that the version of the PortletFaces Bridge that is currently shipped with ICEfaces includes fixes that aren't available with the generally released version. Ensure you use the copy of the library that ships with ICEfaces.
 When using Liferay, specific versions of the Liferay Faces Bridge must be used for each Liferay release version. See the [Liferay Faces Version Scheme|] page for details.
 {note}When using the Liferay Faces Bridge, the portletfaces-bridge-2.0.2-ice-7875.jar should _not_ be included in the class path.{note}
 h3. Enterprise Push Server (EPS) Supported Platforms
 || Server || Stand-alone || Clustered ||
 | Apache Tomcat 6 | Yes | Yes ^1^ |
 | Apache Tomcat 7 | Yes | Yes ^1^ |
 | IBM WebSphere AS 7 | Yes | Yes |
 | IBM WebSphere AS 8 \\ | Yes \\ | Yes \\ |
 | Oracle GlassFish 3.1 | Yes | |
 | Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.0 - 10.3.4 | Yes | |
 | Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.5 - 10.3.6 | Yes | Yes |
 | Oracle WebLogic Server 12c \\ | Yes \\ | |
 | RedHat JBoss AS 5.0 | Yes | Yes |
 | RedHat JBoss AS 6.0 | Yes | |
 | RedHat JBoss AS 7.0, 7.1 \\ | Yes | |
 | RedHat JBoss EAP 6 \\ | Yes | Yes |
  ^1^ Requires ActiveMQ 5 for JMS support
 h2. Known Issues
 The following section describes the most commonly encountered known issues with this release:
 h4. General
 * JSPs are not supported by ICEfaces 3 - use Facelets.
 * It is required to specify "h:head" and "h:body" tags in your ICEfaces application pages.
 * Client state saving mode is not supported by ICEfaces - it is required to use SERVER state saving mode.
 * Applications must avoid the use of "javascript: void(0)" in browser DOM event handlers as this technique causes the "onBeforeOnload" event handler to be called in IE, which results in the ICEfaces bridges shutting down (thinking that the page is being navigated away from).
 h4. deltaSubmit
 * The following standard "h:" components are not supported by the deltaSubmit feature (due to a problematic rendering technique that they utilize):
 ** h:selectOneMenu
 ** h:selectManyMenu
 ** h:selectOneListbox
 ** h:selectManyListbox
 * The work-around is to use similar alternative components instead, such as ace:simpleSelectOneMenu, ace:list, or ice:selectOneMenu.
 h4. 1.8.x Compatibility
 * In ICEfaces 2+, the "Request" scope is the "standard" JSF Request scope, and not the "Extended" Request scope that was the default in ICEfaces 1.x. This change may result in failures for ICEfaces 1.x applications that relied on the Extended Request Scope behavior that are being moved to ICEfaces 2.0. The workaround for this issue is to adopt one of "View", "Window", or "Session" scopes in JSF/ICEfaces 2\+ instead.
 h4. Mojarra JSF
 * This release includes the Mojarra JSF 2.1.29_04 runtime libraries.
 * Supported Mojarra JSF libraries are 2.1.3-2.1.6, 2.1.18, 2.1.19, 2.1.21-2.1.28. Other versions have serious known issues and are not recommended.
 {note}Note that Mojarra 2.1.4-2.1.18 included a dependency on Servlet 3.0 APIs, as a result, it should not be used on older JEE5 application servers. Instead, Mojarra 2.1.3, 2.1.19, 2.1.21-2.1.28, or Apache MyFaces 2.1, should be used on JEE5 servers.{note}
 * Mojarra 2.1.15-2.1.23 have a serious regression [issue|] that prevents "partialStateSaving=false" mode from working correctly. Work-arounds are to use "partialStateSaving=true", which is the default, Mojarra 2.1.24+, or MyFaces JSF instead.
 * Note that Mojarra JSF 2.1.29+ requires JDK 1.7+, and will not function correctly on JDK 1.5/1.6. Use Mojarra JSF 2.1.28 on older JDK versions.
 * When running a JSF application in JSF2 _PROJECT_STAGE="Development"_ mode, you may see the follow warning appear at the bottom of the page: _"Form component needs to have a UIForm in its ancestry."_.
 ** This issue is caused by a bug in Mojarra JSF, a suggested work-around is to set the JSF2 _PROJECT_STAGE="Production"_ in the web.xml file.
 h4. MyFaces JSF
 * This release includes the MyFaces JSF 2.1.17 runtime libraries.
 * Session State Serialization
 ** By default, MyFaces serializes the state of the view into the session on every single request. While this allows the state of the view to be restored for that particular request, it can have an impact on performance as well as components that may not be designed for it. For these reasons we recommend to set the following context parameter in your application:
  </context-param> {code}
 ** See [JIRA||] for a detailed explanation.
 h4. Sample Applications
 * The ICEfaces Showcase sample application (/samples/showcase) is generally compatible with JEE5 spec server environments, with the following exceptions:
 ** The ace:dataTable -> Grouping, and ace:tree demos require a minimum EL library version of 2.2, which is generally not present on older EE5 application servers.
 h4. Browsers
 * WebKit (Safari and Chrome)
 ** The WebKit-based browsers (Google Chrome and Apple Safari) request content-type "application/xhtml+xml" by default, which is different from virtually all other browsers. In cases where the application page doesn't set the contentType explicitly this can result in these browsers defaulting to a strict XHTML rendering mode, which can cause some unexpected styling and layout issues. In order to have WebKit-based browsers render markup consistently with other browsers, you must specify the content-type in the view tag on each page:
 <f:view contentType="text/html">{code}
 ** See [] for more information.
 * Internet Explorer 7 (IE 7)
 ** The ace:dataTable -> Pinnable columns feature is not supported on IE7.
 ** The ace:gmap, and ice:gmap components may experience intermittent JS errors when running on IE7 due to incompatibilities within the Google Maps JavaScript and IE 7 itself.
 * Internet Explorer 7-8 (IE 7, IE 8)
 ** The transition effects are not supported on these browsers to maintain performance and reliability.
 * Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11)
 ** The icecore:navigationNotifier component is not supported on IE 11. Users who require FF browser support for this feature should consider ICEfaces EE 4.0.
 * Firefox
 ** The icecore:navigationNotifier component is not supported on FF browsers. Users who require FF browser support for this feature should consider ICEfaces EE 4.0.
 h4. Application Servers
 * Tomcat 6.0
 ** In some cases, when running Tomcat on Windows, undeploying an ICEfaces compatible application (i.e. that includes the icefaces-compat.jar) can cause an exception. See [|] for additional information about this issue. To prevent this, include a context.xml file with your application that includes the following Context attributes to prevent jar and resource locking: {code:xml}<Context antiJarLocking="true" antiResourceLocking="true"/>{code}
 * Glassfish 3 / JBoss 6, 7 (JEE 6 Platforms)
 ** It is required to have a supported Mojarra JSF 2.1 runtime installed (see [[Supported Platforms]]). This may require updating the JSF Mojarra runtime libraries in Glassfish 3 or JBoss 6/7, depending on which JSF version is currently installed.
  Detailed instructions on how to deploy your application along with updated JSF libraries are provided in the ICEfaces EE Wiki [deployment guides|Deployment Resources].
 * Oracle WebLogic 10.3.0/10.3.1
 ** When running on WebLogic 10.3.0 or 10.3.1 with MyFaces JSF, the commons-digester-1.8.jar must be configured in the project. See the [WebLogic+Server+10.3] configuration topic for details.
 * Oracle WebLogic 12.2.1 (12c R2)
 ** There is a bug in the WebLogic JSF configuration mechanism that causes the wrong jsf.js version to be used when configuring the server to use the mojarra libs deployed in the application war. The workaround for this issue is documented in the [Deployment Guide|].
 * IBM WebSphere 7
 ** WAS 7 environments must be patched to at least for use with this release.
 ** Due to an incorrect HTTP write-order bug that is present in both the Mojarra (as of 2.1.18) and MyFaces (as of 2.1.10) JSF runtime libraries, the following warning can appear in the logs:
 {code}W setIntHeader SRVE8094W: WARNING: Cannot set header. Response already committed.{code}
 ** This warning can be safely ignored and has no functional impact. See [JIRA||] for details and workarounds.
 * RedHat JBoss WildFly 8
 ** The EE Composite Components are not supported on JBoss WildFly 8 in this release.
 ** When using ICEpush-EE and IE 7 with this server, the following server warning log entries may be generated by the WildFly server. Note that these warnings have impact on the application and can be ignored:
 {code}WARNING [org.icepush.BlockingConnectionServer] (Monitoring scheduler) Exception caught on org.icepush.BlockingConnectionServer TimerTask.: java.lang.RuntimeException: Connection reset by peer{code}
 h4. Portal Containers
 * PortletFaces Bridge
 ** The PortletFaces Bridge is not supported in this release with Mojarra JSF 2.1.19+.
 ** The recommended workaround is to use Mojarra 2.1.3-2.1.6, or if possible the Liferay Faces Bridge.
 * Liferay 5, 6
 ** Using the ACE Components with Liferay can result in CSS styling conflicts between the Liferay themes and the ACE Component theme, as they both utilize the jQuery ThemeRoller styling scheme. It may be necessary to customize the themes to avoid conflicts when using the ACE components with Liferay 5. See the [Custom ACE Styles for Liferay Portal|] Wiki topic for details.
 * IBM WebSphere Portal 7
 ** WAS 7 environments must be patched to at least for use with this release.
 ** Due to an incorrect HTTP write-order bug that is present in both the Mojarra (as of 2.1.18) and MyFaces (as of 2.1.10) JSF runtime libraries, the following warning can appear in the logs:
 {code}W setIntHeader SRVE8094W: WARNING: Cannot set header. Response already committed.{code}
 *** This warning can be safely ignored and has no functional impact. See [JIRA||] for details.
 h4. Sample Applications
 * ICEfaces Showcase
 ** The ICEfaces Showcase sample application requires EL version 2.1 (JEE 5) for all demos except the following exception which requires the newer EL 2.2 (JEE 6) version:
 *** ace:dataTable -> Grouping
 *** This demo will be inoperable on older servers that do not support the EL 2.2 specification. The justification for these demos requiring the newer EL is to demonstrate a much cleaner implementation approach that is only possible by leveraging the newer EL version.
 * ICEfaces Showcase Portlets
 ** The ICEfaces Showcase Portlets are intended to be used with a single instance of each demo portlet on the same page at one time. Adding the same demo portlet to the page multiple times will result in component failures.
 ** This issue is related to the id-usage and structure of the demo application itself, and is not an inherent limitation of ICEfaces or the components themselves.
 h2. 3rd Party Libraries
 The license and version information for all required/included 3rd Party libraries for this release is available [here|].
 h2. Support
 Please report any issues with this release to [ICEsoft Customer Support|].
 h2. Changes in EE 3.3.0.GA_P04
 ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA_P04 (Patch 4) includes over 115 fixes and improvements.
 h4. Additional Platform Support
 The following recent platform releases have been certified and added as [Supported Platforms|#supportedplatforms] in this release:
 * Microsoft Edge browser.
 * JBoss EAP 6.4, 7.0
 * JBoss WildFly 9, 10
 * Oracle WebLogic 12c R2 (12.2.1) ^*^
 * Liferay Portal 6.3
 h4. ACE Components
 40 bugs fixed, plus the new features and enhancements noted below.
 *New Components:*
 * [JIRA|'>ICE-10638</a>] - New ace:panelStack with custom tag-handler rendering optimization and client capabilities to greatly reduce server component tree size and associated rendering time and memory use.
 *Enhanced Components:*
 * [JIRA|] - Update jQuery library to 1.12.3 release
 * ace:dataExporter
 ** [JIRA|] - add support for the encoding attribute
 * ace:dataTable
 ** [JIRA|] - ace:dataTable - Add new 'enhMultiple' selection mode
 ** [JIRA|] - ace:dataTable - Add styling for hovering over a selected row
 * ace:dateTimeEntry
 ** [JIRA|] - 'Now' button should honor timeZone attribute
 * ace:gMapMarker
 ** [JIRA|] - Add ability to set marker with just an address
 * ace:textEntry
 ** [JIRA|] - Replace input element when setting it to type='password'
 h4. ICE Components
 * ice:inputRichText
 ** [JIRA|] - Update CKEditor to version 4.5.8 to support MS Edge Browser
 * Plus an additional 14 bugs fixed.
 h4. ICECORE Components
 * [JIRA|] - icecore:focusManager - Support setting focus to buttons and links
 * [JIRA|] - icecore:idleMonitor - add ability to configure user events that are monitored for idleness
 h4. EE Composite Components
 * ice-cc:schedule
 ** [JIRA|] - Dates added for a year are duplicated in other years month views
 h4. Core Framework
 * [JIRA|] - New comprehensive global client-side logging feature. See for details.
 * [JIRA|] - Mitigate Apache commons-collections library zero-day exploit.
 * [JIRA|] - ice.window, ice.view parameters vulnerable to JS injection attack
 * [JIRA|] - Add a sessionTimeoutRedirectURI parameter
 * [JIRA|] - Add the capability to dynamically change the lang attribute of an <html> tag.
 * Plus an additional 20 bugs fixed.
 h4. ICEpush
 * [JIRA|] - Support multiple blocking connections when IE11's 'New Session' is used
 * [JIRA|] - Accurate cleanup of PushIDs across multiple windows and page reloads
 * [JIRA|] - Avoid blocking connection switchover whenever a new window is opened
 * [JIRA|] - Improve LocalPushGroupManager's queue handling
 * [JIRA|] - Add automatic retry capability for failed push update retrieval requests
 * [JIRA|] - Improve HTML5 localStorage detection
 * [JIRA|] - Make configurable network error retries
 * [JIRA|] - Add startup logging for ICEpush configuration parameters
 * [JIRA|] - Document ICEpush-EE exclusive configuration parameters
 * [JIRA|] - Lower Some NaaS code.icepush Logging levels
 * Plus an additional 12 bugs fixed.
 h4. JSF Runtimes
 * The Mojarra JSF library included in this release has been updated to 2.1.29-04.
 {tip:title=Change Logs}For a complete list of all changes in this release since the previous ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA_P04 release, see the related JIRA Change Logs:
 * [ICEfaces EE Core Framework and Components|]
 * [ICEfaces EE Exclusive Features|]
 * [ICEpush EE|]
 h2. Changes in EE 3.3.0.GA_P03
 ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA_P03 (Patch 3) includes over 170 fixes and improvements.
 h4. Additional Platform Support
 The following recent platform releases have been added as [Supported Platforms|#supportedplatforms] in this release:
 * Apache Tomcat 8
 * JBoss EAP 6.3
 * JBoss WildFly 8.2
 * Improved support for Internet Explorer 11.
 h4. ACE Components
 67 bugs fixed, plus the new features and enhancements noted below.
 *New Components:*
 * [JIRA|] - icecore:focusManager - Add complete focusManager support to 3.x.
 * [JIRA|] - Add icecore:idleMonitor to the 3.3.x maintenance branch.
 *Enhanced Components:*
 * ace:autoCompleteEntry
 [JIRA|] - autoCompleteEntry does not support objects as values with conversion.
 * ace:column
 [JIRA|] - ace:column - Add new "sortWhenGrouping" boolean attribute to optionally support grouping without sorting.
 [JIRA|] - ace:column - Add new "hideSortControls" attribute.
 [JIRA|] - ace:column - Use keyboard to activate sort buttons.
 * ace:dialog
 [JIRA|] - ace:dialog - Add new "none" value for "setFocus" attribute.
 [JIRA|] - ace:dialog - Trigger Ajax close event on Escape keypress.
 * ace:dataTable
 [JIRA|] - ace:dataTable - Add a 'caption' attribute.
 [JIRA|] - Increase height of background image for active and hover states in Sam theme.
 * ace:fileEntry
 [JIRA|] - ace:fileEntry - Callback handler submits before the JSF lifecycle starts.
 * ace:gMap
 [JIRA|] - ace:gMap - Add an actionListener when a gMapEvent is triggered.
 [JIRA|] - ace:gMapEvent, add 'disabled' attribute.
 [JIRA|] - ace:gMap - Add support for multiple subcomponent instances.
 * ace:menuBar
 [JIRA|] - ace:menuBar - Add a maxHeight attribute.
 * ace:rowEditor
 [JIRA|] - ace:rowEditor - re-apply focus to row editor buttons after toggling edit mode.
 * ace:subMenu
 [JIRA|] - ace:submenu - Set width depending on contents.
 [JIRA|] - ace:submenu - Add an action/actionListener or ajax event.
 * ace:submitMonitor
 [JIRA|] - ace:submitMonitor - Enable monitor for use with ace:fileEntry.
 * ace:textEntry
 [JIRA|] - ace:textEntry, ace:textAreaEntry - Add new "charCount" client event.
 * ace:textAreaEntry
 [JIRA|] - ace:textAreaEntry - Add a 'readonly' and 'disabled' attribute.
 [JIRA|] - ace:textEntry, ace:textAreaEntry - Add new "charCount" client event.
 * ace:tooltip
 [JIRA|] - ace:tooltip - Add the capability to dynamically render a tooltip when used with a dataTable.
 h4. ICE Components
 * 14 bugs fixed.
 h4. EE Composite Components
 * 10 bugs fixed.
 h4. Core Framework
 [JIRA|] - icecore:focusManager - Allow focus to be set on Ajax updates.
 [JIRA|] - icecore:config - Add lazyWindowScope attribute.
 [JIRA|] - Increase windowScopeExpiration default to greater than 1000 millis.
 * 25 bugs fixed.
 h4. ICEpush
 [JIRA|] - Subdue noisy logging for icepush when browser window is closed before response returns to view.
 [JIRA|] - Make settings of PushStormDetectionServer configurable.
 [JIRA|] - Throttle push instead of shutting down when Push Storm is detected.
 [JIRA|] - Add httpOnly and secure attributes to the ice.push.browser Cookie.
 [JIRA|] - Switch from using a .p12 keystore to a .jks keystore for the APNSNotificationProvider.
 [JIRA|] - Callback mechanism for error-free blocking connection running.
 [JIRA|] - When APNS properties aren't set the APNS Notification Provider should be off.
 * 12 bugs fixed.
 h4. Samples
 * ICEfaces Showcase Sample Application
 ** Several demonstration panels have been added or updated to illustrate key features of the new and improved ACE components.
 h4. JSF Runtimes
 * The MyFaces JSF library included in this release has been updated to 2.1.17.
 {tip:title=Change Logs}For a complete list of all changes in this release since the previous ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA_P02 release, see the related JIRA Change Logs:
 * [ICEfaces EE Core Framework and Components|]
 * [ICEfaces EE Exclusive Features|]
 * [ICEpush EE|]
 h2. Changes in EE 3.3.0.GA_P02
 ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA_P02 (Patch 2) includes over 200 fixes and improvements.
 h4. Additional Platform Support
 The following recent platform releases have been added as [Supported Platforms|#supportedplatforms] in this release:
 * IBM WebSphere AS 8.5.5
 * JBoss EAP 6.1
 * JBoss WildFly 8
 * Liferay Portal 6.2
 * In addition, support for clustered EPS deployments has been added for RedHat JBoss EAP 6.
 h4. ACE Components
 107 Bugs fixed, plus the new features and enhancements noted below.
 *New Components:*
 * [JIRA|] - New ace:buttonGroup container
 * [JIRA|] - New ace:radioButton component
 *Enhanced Components:*
 * ace:autoCompleteEntry
 ** [JIRA|] - Removed unsupported "onclick, etc." pass-through attributes from component TLD docs
 * ace:chart
 ** [JIRA|] - Add "varyBarColor" property
 ** [JIRA|] - Add "barWidth" property
 ** [JIRA|] - Allow for the exported image to be downloaded with a single click
 * ace:comboBox
 ** [JIRA|] - Remove unsupported "onclick, etc." pass-through attributes from component TLD docs
 * ace:dialog
 ** [JIRA|] - Add new "setFocus" attribute
 * ace:dataTable
 ** [JIRA|] - Now automatically supports maintaining header and body column hierarchy with ace:columnGroup
 ** [JIRA|] - Add new "rowClick" and "rowDblClick" ace:ajax events
 ** [JIRA|] - Support Page Up Page Down Keyboard Pagination in ace:dataTable
 ** [JIRA|] - Support localized text in paginatorTemplate
 ** [JIRA|] - Remove paginator dependency on YUI (reduces resource requirements)
 ** [JIRA|] - Support for IE10 clear icon for filter input fields
 ** [JIRA|] - Corrected issue with filter value always being set to lower case / filter value not shown in drop down. This may affect existing application behaviour as the filtering function no longer sets the filter value to lowercase. Any existing filtering logic that depends on the previous .toLowerCase behaviour will require updating.
 * ace:fileEntry
 ** [JIRA|] - Add support for Servlet 3 multi-part uploads.
 *** When running on a Servlet 3 compatible server (such as WAS 8.x, WebLogic 12c, JBoss Wildfly 8, and Glassfish 3) additional Servlet 3 / multipart configuration entries are required in the web.xml for ace:fileEntry.
 *** See the [ace:FileEntry|] Wiki Topic for more information.
 * ace:rowEditor
 ** [JIRA|] - Add support for reverting user edits when clicking the 'X' button
 ** [JIRA|] - Keep row in edit mode when validation fails
 * ace:tableConfigPanel
 ** [JIRA|] - Add built in support for ace:columnGroup
 ** [JIRA|] - Support for keeping stacked columns together
 ** [JIRA|] - Support localizable label text
 * ace:textEntry
 ** [JIRA|] - Add "secret" attribute
 * ace:maskedEntry
 ** [JIRA|] - Remove unsupported "onclick, etc." pass-through attributes from component TLD docs
 * ace:richTextEntry
 ** [JIRA|] - Updated CKEditor to version 4.3 (required for IE11 support).
 *** When running on IE7 only the older CKEditor 3.6.6 will be used as IE7 is not supported by v4.3.
 *** Note that the skinning scheme used by CKeditor has changed in v4.3 and the previous support for changing the CKEditor skin via the "skin" attribute is not supported in this release on none-IE7 browsers. Support for additional skins is planned for a future release, please contact ICEsoft Support if you have questions or concerns with this.
 * 3rd Party JavaScript Libraries
 ** Update jQuery to v1.7
 ** Update CKEditor library to 4.3 for all browsers except IE7, which will use instead for compatibility.
 ** Update jQuery Timepicker Addon to v1.2.0
 ** Update jQuery UI to v1.8.24
 ** Update qTip library to 2.2.0
 ** Update Wijmo library to 3.0.6
 ** See the icefaces/lib/versions-licenses.html file in the release bundle for details on all included libraries.
 h4. ICE Components
 * [JIRA|] Provide caching control headers for the 'compat' resources.
 * 15 bugs fixed.
 h4. EE Composite Components
 * ice-cc:richDataGrid
 ** [JIRA|] - Add ability to disable the confirmation dialog for deleting a record.
 ** [JIRA|] - Add easier createNewRow methods.
 * 4 bugs fixed.
 h4. Core Framework
 * [JIRA|] - Add support for "sessionExpiredRedirectURI" config param
 * [JIRA|] - Name the faces-config.xml resources to allow ordering of resources
 * [JIRA|] - Add timestamps to JavaScript console log entries
 * [JIRA|] - Fix CVE-2014-0050 DoS with malformed Content-Type header and multipart request processing
 * 15 bugs fixed.
 h4. ICEpush
 * [JIRA|] - ICEpush now works in cookie less mode
 * 9 bugs fixed.
 h4. EPS (Enterprise Push Server)
 * [JIRA|] - Add support for and to the JMSAdapter
 h4. Load Testing
 * [JIRA|] - The ICEfaces bridge now requires that the "ice.push.browser" cookie be defined and processed in each transaction. This will impact existing load testing scripts.
 ** See the EE-3.3.0.GA_P02 specific notes in the following Load Testing Wiki Topics for more information:
 *** [Processing the Initial Response]
 *** [Sampling and Interaction]
 h4. Samples
 * ICEfaces Showcase Sample Application
 ** [JIRA|] - Make showcase ACE DataTable cell selection sample use simplified EL
 ** [JIRA|] - Add showcase ace:dataTable demo to demonstrate persistence of ace:tableConfigPanel user settings
 ** Several new demonstration panels have been added to illustrate key features of the new and improved ACE components.
 * AuctionMonitor Sample Application
 ** [JIRA|] - AuctionMonitor input bid fields should update to the highest bid + 1.00
 h4. JSF Runtimes
 * The Mojarra JSF library included in this release has been updated to v2.1.28.
 * The MyFaces JSF library included in this release has been updated to 2.1.15.
 {tip:title=Change Logs}For a complete list of all changes in this release since the previous ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA_P01 release, see the related JIRA Change Logs:
 * [ICEfaces EE Core Framework and Components|]
 * [ICEfaces EE Exclusive Features|]
 * [ICEpush EE|]
 h2. Changes in EE 3.3.0.GA_P01
 ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA_P01 (Patch 1) includes over 40 improvements and fixes, including an important fix for an issue introduced in EE 3.3.0.GA that can cause larger than required partial-page updates to occur, potentially resulting in unexpected component state-changes in the browser, and/or a decrease in application rendering performance. See [JIRA||] for details.
 h4. ACE Components
 * [JIRA||] - ace:chart - Export image to server
 * [JIRA||] - ace:comboBox - Issues when SelectItem label and value don&#39;t match
 * [JIRA||] - ace:comboBox filter is applied to item value and not the label
 * [JIRA||] - ace:dataTable navigateToRow() doesn&#39;t work when result not visible
 * [JIRA||] - ace:dataTable &gt; Pin Columns - Selection and then pinning causes table misalignment
 * [JIRA||] - ace:dataTable - Scrollable dataTable column misalignment in IE9/10
 * [JIRA||] - ace:tableConfigPanel - Header value defined in a facet not displayed in panel
 * [JIRA||] - ace:tableConfigPanel - PropertyNotWritableException thrown
 * [JIRA||] - ace:dataExporter Composite Component Backing Bean Attribute Issue
 * [JIRA||] - ace:dateTimeEntry stops working in editable ace:dataTable
 * [JIRA||] - ace:dateTimeEntry - Clicking Today button closes popup
 * [JIRA||] - DateTimeEntry, interacted with, then client side cleanup, not clearing widgetVar
 * [JIRA||] - WebSphere 8.5 - ee-composite-showcase - File Upload Progress demo fails uploading files with name containing special characters
 * [JIRA||] - ace:list &gt; Submitting selection inside iterative container causes de-select (MyFaces)
 * [JIRA||] - ace:maskedEntry &gt; keypress Ajax Event Failure
 * [JIRA||] - ace:menu - Dispose window called when selecting menuItem in IE
 * [JIRA||] - IceClientBehaviorHolder specify their AjaxBehaviorEvent subclass
 * [JIRA||] - ace:notificationPanel - Panel is displayed behind the ace:tabSet
 * [JIRA||] - ace:selectMenu - not showing the selected item if the list contains one item
 * [JIRA||] - ace:textEntry fails to submit required fields after failed validation (MyFaces only)
 * [JIRA||] - ace:tooltip &gt; Tooltip renders in incorrect location in IE8 + IE10 JS error
 * [JIRA||] - Converter issues in ACE autocomplete and selection components
 h4. ICE Components
 * [JIRA||] - Non-thread safe DateFormat usage causing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
 * [JIRA||] - DateFormat utility is not thread safe
 * [JIRA||] - ConcurrentModificationException in InputRichTextResourceHandler
 * [JIRA||] - ice:selectOneMenu/selectOneRadio - focus lost after updating component style
 * [JIRA||] - ice:selectInputText - forces focus on itself after focus was moved to another element
 * [JIRA||] - ice:selectInputText - 2 tab clicks needed to move to next input in IE9
 * [JIRA||] - Compat broken theme image links in CSS
 h4. Core Framework
 * [JIRA||] - Add ability to configure the base path of an application (was: Port ICE-7941 feature into ICEfaces 3.x codebase)
 * [JIRA||] - DOM clone/copy reduces adjacent TEXT nodes which causes unintended DOM differences, so javascript executes redundantly
 * [JIRA||] - Make Diff propagated to root but no ID set error debug logging configurable
 * [JIRA||] - RuntimeException: Cannot clone document
 * [JIRA||] - Resource coalescing omitting fileentry.js
 h4. Portlets
 {info}Support for WebSphere Portal 7 has been discontinued in this release.
 Please contact [ICEsoft Support|] if you have any questions or concerns.{info}
 * [JIRA||] - Resource coalescing does not work in a portlet environment
 * [JIRA||] - Some EE-specific resources get loaded multiple times with portlets
 * [JIRA||] - Portlets showing Network Connected Interrupt Dialog when session expires (requires LiferayFaces 3.1.4-ga5).
 h4. ICEpush EE
 * [JIRA||] - PushRenderer.removeCurrentSession does not stop push heartbeat
 h4. Sample Applications
 * ICEfaces Showcase
 * [JIRA||] - ICEfaces Showcase, some demo Java Source Code files map to the wrong files
 * [JIRA||] - showcase - ace:TextEntry - missing validation message
 * ^*_New_*^ CDI Sample for WebSphere 8
 * [JIRA||] - Support for ICEfaces CDI applications on WebSphere 8
 {tip:title=Change Logs}For a complete list of all changes in this release since the previous ICEfaces EE 3.3.0.GA release, see the related JIRA Change Logs:
 * [ICEfaces EE Core Framework and Components|]
 * [ICEfaces EE Exclusive Features|]
 * [ICEpush EE|]
 h2. Key Features
 ICEfaces Enterprise Edition includes a suite of enterprise software and documentation that will enhance your ICEfaces project from development, through testing and deployment. In addition to high quality certified software and tools, ICEfaces EE includes direct access to the extensive knowledge and expertise of our technical team.
 ICEfaces-EE provides the following exclusive Enterprise features in addition to all of the [features|] available in ICEfaces:
 h4. Certified Software
 ICEfaces EE has been certified against a wide-range of supported commercial and open-source application servers, portal-containers, and 3rd-party frameworks. See the [Supported Platforms|#supportedplatforms] section for details.
 h4. Enterprise Components
 ICEfaces EE includes the [EE Components|EE Components]. The EE Components are exclusive to ICEfaces EE and are not available in the open-source ICEfaces project.
 * [EE Accessible Components |Accessible Components]\- a set of components, based on the ICEfaces [ICE components|], that have been modified and optimized for use in application environments with strict [WCAG|] accessibility requirements, including the need to support client browsers that have no support for JavaScript, or have JavaScript disabled.
 * [EE Composite Components|Composite Components] \- an extensive set of Facelet-composition components that provide ready-to-use functionality for common enterprise application tasks, such as dual-list, tree-table, and schedule.
 {tip}The EE Composite Components are tag-compatible with the ICEfaces EE 1.8 Composite Components, providing a straight-forward migration to 2.0 for existing ICEfaces EE 1.8 projects.{tip}
 h4. Enterprise Push Server (EPS)
 The [Enterprise Push Server|Enterprise Push Server] extends the standard Ajax Push capabilities of open-source ICEfaces with these critical enterprise-grade features:
 * Multi-application Support.&nbsp; EPS supports concurrent use of multiple ICEfaces push-enabled applications on the same application server (host-name) in the same client browser.&nbsp; The ICEfaces open-source ICEpush library can only support a single push application from the same server (host-name) in the same browser at one time.
 * Distributed management of blocking push connections across a cluster for increased application scalability.
 * Load-balancing of Ajax Push connections across a cluster for increased application scalability.
 * Fail over of Ajax Push connections across a cluster for high application availability.
 * Asynchronous Request Processing (ARP) integration on application servers with Servlet 3.0 support for increased Ajax Push scalability.
 h4. Core Framework Extensions
 ICEfaces EE includes the core framework extensions library that can improve the ICEfaces experience on EE-certified platforms:
 * *Support for Legacy Internet Explorer (IE) Browsers (IE6 / IE7)*. The standard JSF libraries don't always process dynamic Ajax DOM updates in a manner that older IE browsers can fully support, often resulting in dynamic DOM element changes not being rendered properly in the browser. ICEfaces EE provides core framework extensions to work-around these JSF limitations, providing a more reliable and consistent user-experience on IE6 and IE7 browsers.
 * *Embedded HTML Compatibility for JSF 1.x Facelets Applications* \- Configurable support for wrapping HTML markup in Facelets pages into components at runtime. This provides perfect backwards compatibility with ICEfaces 1.8 Facelets applications that otherwise would see adverse side-effects from differences in how Facelets processes embedded HTML markup between JSF 1 and 2.
 h4. PortletFaces Bridge Extensions
 ICEfaces EE provides the PortletFacesBridge Extensions library that adds features required to support commercial portal containers, such as WebSphere Portal.
 h4. Sample Applications
 * *[Accessible Component Showcase]* \- Demonstrates the use of the EE Accessible Components.
 * *[Composite Component Showcase]* \- Demonstrates the features of the EE Composite Components.
 * *[EPS Poller Application|Poll Application]* \- Demonstrates an Ajax Push application using EPS with various deployment scenarios, including fail-over support in a clustered deployment.
 h4. Project Builder
 The [Project Builder] wizard application generates a working ICEfaces EE application template based on developer question-and-answer inputs.
 h4. Functional & Load Testing Documentation, Tutorials, and Reference Materials
 The ICEfaces EE Wiki includes extensive documentation, tutorials, and reference materials that clearly explain and demonstrate successful testing techniques for use with ICEfaces.
 * [Functional Testing With Selenium|]
 * [Load Testing|] techniques for use with JMeter and other load testing tools.
 h4. Deployment Guides
 The ICEfaces EE Wiki provides extensive configuration and [deployment guides|Deployment Resources] for all supported application server and portal container platforms. In addition, server-specific [step-by-step instructions|Server Configuration Appendices] are provided to enable fast, successful deployments for each of the following deployment scenarios:
 * Stand-alone server
 * Stand-alone server w/ EPS
 * Clustered server w/ EPS (including fail-over)
 h2. Migration Guide
 An ICEfaces 2 to ICEfaces 3 Migration Guide is available for those wishing to migrate their existing ICEaces 2.x applications to ICEfaces 3.0.
 * [ICEfaces 2 to ICEfaces 3 Migration Guide|]
 h2. Supported Platforms
 h3. JSF Runtimes
 * Oracle Mojarra JSF 2.1.3-2.1.6, 2.1.18, 2.1.19, 2.1.21 - 2.1.29-04 (included).
 * Apache MyFaces JSF 2.1.9-2.1.17 (included).
 h3. Browsers
 * Chrome 51
 * Firefox 45.2.0 (ESR) - 47
 * IE 7 - Edge
 * Safari 8 - 9
 h4. Mobile Browsers
 * Apple iOS Safari
 * Google Android Chrome
 h3. Application Servers
 Specific installation and configuration information for some platforms can be found in the [Server Configuration Appendices].
 * Apache Tomcat 6, 7, 8
 * IBM WebSphere AS 7, 8
 * Oracle Glassfish v3.1
 * Oracle WebLogic Server 11g (10.3.0 - 10.3.6), 12c, 12c R2 ^*^
 * RedHat JBoss AS 5, 6, 7, WildFly 8
 * RedHat JBoss EAP 6
 ^*^ See the Known Issues for an important configuration note.
 h3. Portal Containers
 - Apache Pluto 2.0.3
 - Liferay Portal 5, 6
 Apache Pluto Portlet deployments require the PortletFaces Bridge library. Note that the version of the PortletFaces Bridge that is currently shipped with ICEfaces includes fixes that aren't available with the generally released version. Ensure you use the copy of the library that ships with ICEfaces.
 When using Liferay, specific versions of the Liferay Faces Bridge must be used for each Liferay release version. See the [Liferay Faces Version Scheme|] page for details.
 {note}When using the Liferay Faces Bridge, the portletfaces-bridge-2.0.2-ice-7875.jar should _not_ be included in the class path.{note}
 h3. Enterprise Push Server (EPS) Supported Platforms
 || Server || Stand-alone || Clustered ||
 | Apache Tomcat 6 | Yes | Yes ^1^ |
 | Apache Tomcat 7 | Yes | Yes ^1^ |
 | IBM WebSphere AS 7 | Yes | Yes |
 | IBM WebSphere AS 8 \\ | Yes \\ | Yes \\ |
 | Oracle GlassFish 3.1 | Yes | |
 | Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.0 - 10.3.4 | Yes | |
 | Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.5 - 10.3.6 | Yes | Yes |
 | Oracle WebLogic Server 12c \\ | Yes \\ | |
 | RedHat JBoss AS 5.0 | Yes | Yes |
 | RedHat JBoss AS 6.0 | Yes | |
 | RedHat JBoss AS 7.0, 7.1 \\ | Yes | |
 | RedHat JBoss EAP 6 \\ | Yes | Yes |
  ^1^ Requires ActiveMQ 5 for JMS support
 h2. Known Issues
 The following section describes the most commonly encountered known issues with this release:
 h4. General
 * JSPs are not supported by ICEfaces 3 - use Facelets.
 * It is required to specify "h:head" and "h:body" tags in your ICEfaces application pages.
 * Client state saving mode is not supported by ICEfaces - it is required to use SERVER state saving mode.
 * Applications must avoid the use of "javascript: void(0)" in browser DOM event handlers as this technique causes the "onBeforeOnload" event handler to be called in IE, which results in the ICEfaces bridges shutting down (thinking that the page is being navigated away from).
 h4. deltaSubmit
 * The following standard "h:" components are not supported by the deltaSubmit feature (due to a problematic rendering technique that they utilize):
 ** h:selectOneMenu
 ** h:selectManyMenu
 ** h:selectOneListbox
 ** h:selectManyListbox
 * The work-around is to use similar alternative components instead, such as ace:simpleSelectOneMenu, ace:list, or ice:selectOneMenu.
 h4. 1.8.x Compatibility
 * In ICEfaces 2+, the "Request" scope is the "standard" JSF Request scope, and not the "Extended" Request scope that was the default in ICEfaces 1.x. This change may result in failures for ICEfaces 1.x applications that relied on the Extended Request Scope behavior that are being moved to ICEfaces 2.0. The workaround for this issue is to adopt one of "View", "Window", or "Session" scopes in JSF/ICEfaces 2\+ instead.
 h4. Mojarra JSF
 * This release includes the Mojarra JSF 2.1.29_04 runtime libraries.
 * Supported Mojarra JSF libraries are 2.1.3-2.1.6, 2.1.18, 2.1.19, 2.1.21-2.1.28. Other versions have serious known issues and are not recommended.
 {note}Note that Mojarra 2.1.4-2.1.18 included a dependency on Servlet 3.0 APIs, as a result, it should not be used on older JEE5 application servers. Instead, Mojarra 2.1.3, 2.1.19, 2.1.21-2.1.28, or Apache MyFaces 2.1, should be used on JEE5 servers.{note}
 * Mojarra 2.1.15-2.1.23 have a serious regression [issue|] that prevents "partialStateSaving=false" mode from working correctly. Work-arounds are to use "partialStateSaving=true", which is the default, Mojarra 2.1.24+, or MyFaces JSF instead.
 * Note that Mojarra JSF 2.1.29+ requires JDK 1.7+, and will not function correctly on JDK 1.5/1.6. Use Mojarra JSF 2.1.28 on older JDK versions.
 * When running a JSF application in JSF2 _PROJECT_STAGE="Development"_ mode, you may see the follow warning appear at the bottom of the page: _"Form component needs to have a UIForm in its ancestry."_.
 ** This issue is caused by a bug in Mojarra JSF, a suggested work-around is to set the JSF2 _PROJECT_STAGE="Production"_ in the web.xml file.
 h4. MyFaces JSF
 * This release includes the MyFaces JSF 2.1.17 runtime libraries.
 * Session State Serialization
 ** By default, MyFaces serializes the state of the view into the session on every single request. While this allows the state of the view to be restored for that particular request, it can have an impact on performance as well as components that may not be designed for it. For these reasons we recommend to set the following context parameter in your application:
  </context-param> {code}
 ** See [JIRA||] for a detailed explanation.
 h4. Sample Applications
 * The ICEfaces Showcase sample application (/samples/showcase) is generally compatible with JEE5 spec server environments, with the following exceptions:
 ** The ace:dataTable -> Grouping, and ace:tree demos require a minimum EL library version of 2.2, which is generally not present on older EE5 application servers.
 h4. Browsers
 * WebKit (Safari and Chrome)
 ** The WebKit-based browsers (Google Chrome and Apple Safari) request content-type "application/xhtml+xml" by default, which is different from virtually all other browsers. In cases where the application page doesn't set the contentType explicitly this can result in these browsers defaulting to a strict XHTML rendering mode, which can cause some unexpected styling and layout issues. In order to have WebKit-based browsers render markup consistently with other browsers, you must specify the content-type in the view tag on each page:
 <f:view contentType="text/html">{code}
 ** See [] for more information.
 * Internet Explorer 7 (IE 7)
 ** The ace:dataTable -> Pinnable columns feature is not supported on IE7.
 ** The ace:gmap, and ice:gmap components may experience intermittent JS errors when running on IE7 due to incompatibilities within the Google Maps JavaScript and IE 7 itself.
 * Internet Explorer 7-8 (IE 7, IE 8)
 ** The transition effects are not supported on these browsers to maintain performance and reliability.
 * Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11)
 ** The icecore:navigationNotifier component is not supported on IE 11. Users who require FF browser support for this feature should consider ICEfaces EE 4.0.
 * Firefox
 ** The icecore:navigationNotifier component is not supported on FF browsers. Users who require FF browser support for this feature should consider ICEfaces EE 4.0.
 h4. Application Servers
 * Tomcat 6.0
 ** In some cases, when running Tomcat on Windows, undeploying an ICEfaces compatible application (i.e. that includes the icefaces-compat.jar) can cause an exception. See [|] for additional information about this issue. To prevent this, include a context.xml file with your application that includes the following Context attributes to prevent jar and resource locking: {code:xml}<Context antiJarLocking="true" antiResourceLocking="true"/>{code}
 * Glassfish 3 / JBoss 6, 7 (JEE 6 Platforms)
 ** It is required to have a supported Mojarra JSF 2.1 runtime installed (see [[Supported Platforms]]). This may require updating the JSF Mojarra runtime libraries in Glassfish 3 or JBoss 6/7, depending on which JSF version is currently installed.
  Detailed instructions on how to deploy your application along with updated JSF libraries are provided in the ICEfaces EE Wiki [deployment guides|Deployment Resources].
 * Oracle WebLogic 10.3.0/10.3.1
 ** When running on WebLogic 10.3.0 or 10.3.1 with MyFaces JSF, the commons-digester-1.8.jar must be configured in the project. See the [WebLogic+Server+10.3] configuration topic for details.
 * Oracle WebLogic 12.2.1 (12c R2)
 ** There is a bug in the WebLogic JSF configuration mechanism that causes the wrong jsf.js version to be used when configuring the server to use the mojarra libs deployed in the application war. The workaround for this issue is documented in the [Deployment Guide|].
 * IBM WebSphere 7
 ** WAS 7 environments must be patched to at least for use with this release.
 ** Due to an incorrect HTTP write-order bug that is present in both the Mojarra (as of 2.1.18) and MyFaces (as of 2.1.10) JSF runtime libraries, the following warning can appear in the logs:
 {code}W setIntHeader SRVE8094W: WARNING: Cannot set header. Response already committed.{code}
 ** This warning can be safely ignored and has no functional impact. See [JIRA||] for details and workarounds.
 * RedHat JBoss WildFly 8
 ** The EE Composite Components are not supported on JBoss WildFly 8 in this release.
 ** When using ICEpush-EE and IE 7 with this server, the following server warning log entries may be generated by the WildFly server. Note that these warnings have impact on the application and can be ignored:
 {code}WARNING [org.icepush.BlockingConnectionServer] (Monitoring scheduler) Exception caught on org.icepush.BlockingConnectionServer TimerTask.: java.lang.RuntimeException: Connection reset by peer{code}
 h4. Portal Containers
 * PortletFaces Bridge
 ** The PortletFaces Bridge is not supported in this release with Mojarra JSF 2.1.19+.
 ** The recommended workaround is to use Mojarra 2.1.3-2.1.6, or if possible the Liferay Faces Bridge.
 * Liferay 5, 6
 ** Using the ACE Components with Liferay can result in CSS styling conflicts between the Liferay themes and the ACE Component theme, as they both utilize the jQuery ThemeRoller styling scheme. It may be necessary to customize the themes to avoid conflicts when using the ACE components with Liferay 5. See the [Custom ACE Styles for Liferay Portal|] Wiki topic for details.
 * IBM WebSphere Portal 7
 ** WAS 7 environments must be patched to at least for use with this release.
 ** Due to an incorrect HTTP write-order bug that is present in both the Mojarra (as of 2.1.18) and MyFaces (as of 2.1.10) JSF runtime libraries, the following warning can appear in the logs:
 {code}W setIntHeader SRVE8094W: WARNING: Cannot set header. Response already committed.{code}
 *** This warning can be safely ignored and has no functional impact. See [JIRA||] for details.
 h4. Sample Applications
 * ICEfaces Showcase
 ** The ICEfaces Showcase sample application requires EL version 2.1 (JEE 5) for all demos except the following exception which requires the newer EL 2.2 (JEE 6) version:
 *** ace:dataTable -> Grouping
 *** This demo will be inoperable on older servers that do not support the EL 2.2 specification. The justification for these demos requiring the newer EL is to demonstrate a much cleaner implementation approach that is only possible by leveraging the newer EL version.
 * ICEfaces Showcase Portlets
 ** The ICEfaces Showcase Portlets are intended to be used with a single instance of each demo portlet on the same page at one time. Adding the same demo portlet to the page multiple times will result in component failures.
 ** This issue is related to the id-usage and structure of the demo application itself, and is not an inherent limitation of ICEfaces or the components themselves.
 h2. 3rd Party Libraries
 The license and version information for all required/included 3rd Party libraries for this release is available [here|].
 h2. Support
 Please report any issues with this release to [ICEsoft Customer Support|].

© Copyright 2021 ICEsoft Technologies Canada Corp.