
Version 5 by Ken Fyten
on Dec 01, 2014 14:18.

compared with
Current by Arran Mccullough
on Sep 02, 2016 13:30.

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 |Values:|*null*\|valid URI to redirect page|
  | Name: | org.icefaces.sessionExpiredRedirectURI |
 | Values: | *null*\|valid URI to redirect page |
 | Since: | 2.0 |
 | Scope: | application |
 h5. Application Scope
Setting _org.icefaces.sessionExpiredRedirectURI_ to a valid URI tells ICEfaces that when the user session expires, that the client is to be redirected to the specified page.
  Setting _org.icefaces.sessionExpiredRedirectURI_ to a valid URI tells ICEfaces that when the user session expires, that the client is to be redirected to the specified page.&nbsp; When using ICEpush, or <icecore:refresh>, the user will be redirected automatically on session expiry.&nbsp; Otherwise, they will be redirected on the next request after session expiry.
 {code:xml} <context-param>
 {note:title=Compatibility Note}Prior to ICEfaces 4.0 & EE 3.3.0.GA_P02, this context parameter only applied if the icefaces-compat.jar was in the class path.{note}

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