ICEmobile JSP Tag Library

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 h1. Overview
 A collection of JSP tags that provide appropriate UI controls for mobile applications. The library includes:
 * *Layout and Navigation Controls* for page layout, navigation, and theming
 * *Input and Selection Controls* for handling user input
 * *Media Controls* for presenting audio, video and images
 * *Native Controls* for accessing device capabilities like camera,
 camcorder, and microphone
 h5. MOBI Components Documentation
 * [MOBI Components TLD|]
 * [MOBI Components JavaDoc|]
 h1. Tags
 h5. Layout and Navigation
 * [Accordion Tag]
 * [Carousel Tag]
  * [ContentPane Tag]
  * [PanelConfirmation Tag]
 * [Device Themes|DeviceResource]
 * [Fieldset Tag]
 * [LargeView Tag]
 * [Lists Tag]
 * [PagePanel Tag]
 * [Panel Popup Tag]
 * [SmallView Tag]
 * [SplitPane Tag]
 * [TabSet Tag]
 h5. Input and Selection
 * [Buttons|Command Button Tag]
 * [DateSpinner Tag]
 * [FlipSwitch Tag]
 * [Geolocation Tag]
 * [HTML5 Input|InputText Tag]
 * [TimeSpinner Tag]
 h5. Native
 * [AugmentedReality Tag]
 * [Camcorder Tag]
 * [Camera Tag]
 * [FetchContact Tag]
 * [Microphone Tag]
 * [Thumbnail Tag]
 * [QR Code Scanner Tag]
 h5. Other
 * [GetEnhanced Tag]
 * [GoogleAnalytics Tag]
 h1. Examples
 The following examples are available with this distribution, providing high-level demonstrations as well as documentation and instructions on usage. An ant target is available which builds a war to be deployed to any servlet-3.0 api application server. A servlet-profile target is available for containers like tomcat-7 (which contains servlet-3.0) and web-profile is available for glassfish3.1, jboss7, etc.
 Samples included in the distribution bundle are:
 h3. ICEmobile JSP and Spring MVC Showcase
 Shows the various tags available in the ICEmobile JSP Tag Library.
 {info:title=Example}[ICEmobile JSP and Spring MVC Showcase|]{info}

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