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 h1. Getting Started:
  h2. Overview
 _Since 2.0_
To use the slider component, first the sparkle component name-space has to be added in your page.
 <html xmlns:ann=""
  The _ace:sliderEntry_ component enables the user to adjust values in a finite range along a horizontal or vertical axis via dragging the slider control along the slider bar, or pressing the arrow-keys.
The second step is to apply yui-skin-name on the parent element of slider component.
 <h:form styleClass="yui-skin-name">
  It can be used as a visual replacement for an input box that takes a number as input.
&nbsp; !hSlider.jpg!
Now you ready to use slider component, here is the basic example:
 <ann:slider />
  {tip}See the ICEfaces Showcase [Live Demo|] of this component, complete with source code.{tip}
By now page should look like this:
 <html xmlns:ann=""
  <h:form styleClass="yui-skin-name">
  <ann:slider />
  h2. Getting Started
 To use the slider component, first the ace component name-space has to be added in your page.
 {code:xml}<html ... xmlns:ace="">
 &nbsp;Now you ready to use slider component, here is the basic example:
 &nbsp;By now page should look like this:
 {code:xml}<html ... xmlns:ace="">
   <ace:sliderEntry />
h2. Attributes
h1. YUI Attributes:
  {tip:title=TagLib Documentation}This section covers attributes involved in the typical use-cases for this component. For reference, the complete taglib documentation for this component is available [here|].{tip}
 *Define the value of slider:*
The value attribute of slider represents the current value. The default is 0.
  <ann:slider value="60"/>
  The *value* attribute of slider represents the current value. The default is 0.
 {code:xml|borderStyle=dashed} <ace:sliderEntry value="60"/>
//using managed bean
 <ann:slider value="#{bean.value}"/>
  //using managed bean
 <ace:sliderEntry value="#{bean.value}"/>
 *Minimum value of slider:*
The min attribute specify value at the far left ot top of the rail. Default is 0.
  The *min* attribute specify value at the far left ot top of the rail. Default is 0.
  <ann:slider min="10"/>
  {code:xml|borderStyle=dashed} <ace:sliderEntry min="10"/>
 *Maximum value of slider:*
The max attribute specify value at the far right or bottom of the rail. Default is 0.
  <ann:slider max="60"/>
  The *max* attribute specify value at the far right or bottom of the rail. Default is 100.
 {code:xml|borderStyle=dashed} <ace:sliderEntry max="60"/>
 *Changing the axis:*
This attribute specifies horizontal or vertical slider, "y" is for vertical. The default value is "x".
 <ann:slider axis="y"/>
  &nbsp; !vSlider.jpg!
 The *axis* attribute specifies the axis-orientation of the slider bar, "x" for horizontal, and "y" is for vertical. The default value is "x".
 {code:xml|borderStyle=dashed} <ace:sliderEntry axis="y"/>
 *Defining the rail size of the slider:*
 The railSize attribute defines the height of vertical Slider rail and width of horizontal slider rail. Default value is 150px.
  <ann:slider railSize="250px"/>
 *&nbsp; Defining the length of the slider:*
 &nbsp; The *length* attribute defines the height of vertical Slider rail and width of horizontal slider rail. Default value is "150px".
 {code:xml|borderStyle=dashed} <ace:sliderEntry length="300px"/>
 *showLabels* Defines whether or not labels for the min and max values should be rendered at the ends of the rail.
*Defining the thumb image:*
 The thumbImage attribute takes the path to an image to use as the <img> for the thumb. Default is /skins/sam/thumb-classic-x.png
  <ann:slider thumbImage="images/slider/myThumb.png" />
  h2. Event Listeners
 | valueChangeListener | Used to define a server-side valueChangeListener which will be notified each time the slider value is changed. The valueChangeEvent is fired whenever the "slideEnd" client event fires. |
 {code:xml|borderStyle=dashed} <ace:sliderEntry valueChangeListener="#{bean.sliderChanged}"/>
 h1. Additional attributes:
  h2. Client Behavior Events
*Defining style:*
 The is a pass through to the root element of the slider.
  | slideBegin | Fired when a drag operation on the slider control is initiated. |
 | slide | Fired each time the the slider control is moved during a drag operation. |
 | slideEnd | Fired when a drag operation is completed by releasing the slider control (default event). |
*Defining style class:*
 The is a pass through to the root element of the slider.
  {code:xml|borderStyle=dashed}<ace:sliderEntry value="#{bean.value}" >
  <ace:ajax event="slide" execute="@this" render="sliderValueOutput" />
*Defining tabindex:*
 The is a pass through to the root element of the slider.
  h2. JavaScript API
*Defining the submission behaviour:*
 When singleSubmit attribute is true, the slider value change event request a submit call with execute=@this and render=@all, if false then full submit happens where execute being set to @all. default valid is false.
  h4. ICEfaces 3.x
The client side slider object is exposed through the global variable name specified in the *widgetVar* attribute. You can use the *getValue()* and *setValue()* methods to read and change the value.
*When to submit slider:*
 The submitOn attribute, allows you to define when to notify server. 3 possible values are "slideStart", "slideEnd" and "slideInterval". Default is "slideEnd"
             <ace:sliderEntry widgetVar="sampleSlider" value="#{bean.value}" />
             <h:commandButton value="Show Value" onclick="alert('Value:' + sampleSlider.getValue());" ... />
             <h:commandButton value="Reset" onclick="sampleSlider.setValue(0);" ... />
  <ann:slider submitOn="slideStart" />
 *Defining slideInterval, when submitOn is set to "slideInterval":*
 The slideInterval attribute comes into an effect when you use submitOn="slideInterval". The sliderInterval take the value of interval, default is 500 milliseconds.
  h4. ICEfaces 4+
  <ann:slider submitOn="slideInterval" slideInterval="300"/>
  The "widgetVar" attribute on the ACE components has been removed in ICEfaces 4 and in its place a new "ice.ace.instance()" client JavaScript object lookup API has been introduced. The reason for this change is to enable lazy-initialization of the ACE component JavaScript objects to improve runtime performance and reduce browser memory use. You can use the *getValue()* and *setValue()* methods as described above.
*Capture value change event:*
 The slider component fires a valueChange event, which can be captured using a valueChangeListener attribute on slider component.
  {code}widget = ice.ace.instance('frm:mySlider');{code}
  <ann:slider valueChangeListener="#{bean.sliderChanged}"/>
  To illustrate this change, see the before and after code example below.
h5. Before (ICEfaces 3 API)
h1. Keyboard and ARIA support:
 Slider component supports keyboard short-cuts and ARIA. Aria support can be enabled at page level or at application level. By default ARIA is enabled at application level.
             <ace:sliderEntry widgetVar="sampleSlider" value="#{bean.value}" />
             <h:commandButton value="Show Value" onclick="alert('Value:' + sampleSlider.getValue());" ... />
             <h:commandButton value="Reset" onclick="sampleSlider.setValue(0);" ... />
To enable/disable ARIA at page level, the ice:config tag handler can used:
  h5. After (ICEfaces 4 API)
             <ace:sliderEntry id="mySlider" value="#{bean.value}" />
             <h:commandButton value="Show Value" onclick="alert('Value:' + ice.ace.instance('frm:mySlider').getValue());" ... />
             <h:commandButton value="Reset" onclick="ice.ace.instance('frm:mySlider').setValue(0);" ... />
  <ice:config ariaEnabled="true"/>
  {tip}The _ice.ace.instance_ function requires the _full_ client id of the component to be specified, such as "j_idt77:componentId" instead of just "componentId". To reduce the complexity of working with complete IDs with this function it may be preferable in some cases to use {{prependId="false"}} in the enclosing form (e.g. _<h:form prependId="false">_).{tip}
h2. Keyboard and ARIA Support
To enable/disable ARIA at application level, the following param can be set in web.xml.
  || Keypress || Result ||
 | Left Arrow or Down Arrow | Decrease the value of the slider. |
 | Right Arrow or Up Arrow | Increase the value of the slider. |
 | Home key | Move to the minimum value of the slider. |
 | End key | Move to the maximum value of the slider. |
The following ARIA roles are supported: slider.
h3. Keyboard short-cuts supported by Slider:
 * left arrow and down arrow: decrease the value of the slider.
 * right arrow and up arrow: increase the value of the slider.
 * home key: move to the minimum value of the slider.
 * end key: move to the maximum value of the slider.
  h2. CSS Classes
h1. Get the JS Slider object on client:
 The javascript representation of slider component can be get on client using the following helper API:
  The following markup represents the basic HTML structure of the component and the CSS classes it uses.
  ice.yui.slider.getInstance(clientId, callback);
 <div class="[user defined classes]" style="[user defined styles]">
  <input />
  <div class="ui-slider ui-slider-horizontal ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all">
  <a class="ui-slider-handle ui-state-default ui-corner-all"></a>
h2. Known Issues
 For example:
  <h:form id="myform">
  <ann:slider id="myslider" value="#{bean.value}"/>
  <input type="button" value="get slider value" onclick="ice.yui.slider.getInstance('myform:myslider', function(slider) {
  The following known issues exist for the sliderEntry:
 * The 'showLabels' attribute is not functional in ICEfaces 3.0.0. It does work correctly in 2.0.x and again in ICEfaces-3.3.0
 h2. Additional Resources
 h4. Sample Applications
 The sliderEntry component appears in the following ICEfaces sample applications:
 *ICEfaces Showcase*
 * [Slider Demo|]
 * Located under _/icefaces/samples/showcase_.
 h4. Tutorials
 The sliderEntry component appears in the following ICEfaces tutorials:

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