ICECORE Components

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on Nov 21, 2014 16:44.

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 h2. Core Tags
The ICEfaces 2 core framework supports the following tags in your Facelets markup:
  The ICECORE components provide a set of commonly required utility functions. These components typically have no visual rendering on the page but provide useful behaviors.
h3. <icecore:singleSubmit>
  h3. ICECORE Wiki Topics
The <icecore:singleSubmit> tag is designed to allow submission from just the component generating the event and then update the page with any changes from all components. This is behaviour is basically equivalent to using the <f:ajax execute='@this' render='@all'> tag in stock JSF.
  h3. ICECORE API Documentation
 * [ICECORE Components TLD|]
  <h:form id="form1" prependId="false">
  <ice:singleSubmit rendered="true" />
 - icecore:singleSubmit tag
 - singleSubmit attributes on ace comps.
 - Differences vs. partial submit.
 - partialSubmit is equivalent to JSF execute: @all render: @all with "required" cleared on all components except the component generating the event
 For instance, all validators in the form will run with partialSubmit, but only validators for the submitting component will run with singleSubmit.
 - Explain icefaces message(s) caching mechanism here also
 h3. <ice:config>
 You can use the ICEfaces configuration tag to adjust behaviour on a per page basis. To do so, add the <ice:config/> tag to the page and then set one or more of the following attributes:
 h5. ariaEnabled
 {code:xml}<ice:config ariaEnabled="true"/>{code}
 Allows control of DOM rendering on a per-page basis. By default, when ICEfaces is available, ARIA support is enabled. By using this setting in in conjunction with the application-scoped org.icefaces.aria.enabled context parameter, you can control whether or not ARIA support is active on an individual page.
 h5. lazyPush
 {code:xml}<ice:config lazyPush="false"/>{code}
 Allows control of lazy Ajax Push activation on a per-page basis. By default, when ICEpush is available, the Ajax Push feature will only activate when the first push request is called. By using this setting in in conjunction with the application-scoped org.icefaces.lazyPush context parameter, you can control the lazy activation of Ajax Push on a per-page basis.
 h5. render
 {code:xml}<ice:config render="true"/>{code}
 Allows control of DOM rendering on a per-page basis. By default, when ICEfaces is available, DOM rendering and partial page updates are enabled for stock JSF components. By using this setting in in conjunction with the application-scoped context parameter, you can control whether or not ICEfaces is active on an individual page.

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