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Current by Philip Breau
on Aug 15, 2014 11:02.

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 h1. ICEmobile
 {note}The ICEmobile Wiki is currently under construction. It is being revamped to better reflect new content in the open source project.{note}
 Welcome to the ICEmobile wiki. ICEmobile is an open source project for the development of web-based, Enterprise Java applications for mobile devices. Core mobile features are packaged in technology-specific bundles to enable mobile development across a wide spectrum of Enterprise Java technologies.
  Welcome to the ICEmobile wiki. ICEmobile is a Java EE compliant framework for the development of hybrid mobile web applications. ICEmobile applications match the look and feel of native mobile applications, using pure web-based technique and standard Java EE presentation technologies like JSF and JSP. ICEmobile's device-optimized rendering engine ensures true cross-platform performance from a single application deployment, and hybrid and cloud capabilities within the framework enable application features not available in other web-based approaches.
 h2. [Features|ICEmobile Features]
 Read about all the key [ICEmobile Features].
 h2. Presentation Layer Technologies
 The following Java EE presentation layer technologies are currently integrated with ICEmobile:
 h4. [JSF/ICEfaces|JSF-ICEfaces Integration]
The initial release of ICEmobile is targeted at JSF-based applications, and leverages the popular, enterprise-proven [ICEfaces 3|] framework. Additional integration bundles for presentation technologies like JSP, Spring MVC, and GWT are planned for future releases.
 h2. [Release Notes|Release Notes]
h1. Release Notes
  [ICEmobile 1.3|ICEmobile 1.3 Release Notes]
 [ICEmobile 1.2|ICEmobile 1.2 Release Notes]
 [ICEmobile 1.1|ICEmobile 1.1 - Release Notes]
 [ICEmobile 1.0|ICEmobile-Faces 1.0 Release Notes]
 h2. [Tutorials]
 The [ICEmobile Tutorials|Tutorials] provide basic working examples of many of the ICEmobile features.
 [ICEmobile 1.0 Release Notes|ICEmobile-Faces 1.0 Release Notes]
 h1. Technology Bundles
 h2. [ICEmobile-Faces|ICEmobile-Faces]

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