ICE to ACE Component Migration Guide

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Current by Ken Fyten
on Jun 20, 2019 10:06.

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 This component migration map can be used to identify components with similar functionality to the original ICEfaces ICE/Compat components when migrating an existing ICEfaces 1, 2, or 3 application to ICEfaces 4.
The component migration map below can be used to identify components with similar functionality to the original ICEfaces ICE/Compat components when migrating an existing ICEfaces 1, 2, or 3 application to ICEfaces 4.
||ICEfaces 3
 ICE Component ||ICEfaces 4
 Equivalent Component||
  || ICEfaces 3\\
 ICE Component || ICEfaces 4\\
 Equivalent Component ||
 | ice:checkbox | [ace:checkboxButton|CheckBoxButton], [ace:buttonGroup|ButtonGroup] |
 | ice:column | [ace:column|Column] |
 | ice:columnGroup | [ace:columnGroup|ColumnGroup] |
 | ice:columns | c:forEach |
 | ice:commandButton | [ace:pushButton|PushButton] |
 | ice:commandLink | [ace:linkButton|LinkButton] |
 | ice:commandSortHeader | [ace:dataTable|DataTable] |
 | ice:dataExporter | [ace:dataExporter|DataExporter] |
 | ice:dataPaginator | [ace:dataTable|DataTable] |
 | ice:dataTable | [ace:dataTable|DataTable] or mobi:dataView |
 | ice:effect | [ace:animation|Animation] |
 | ice:form | h:form |
 | ice:gMap | [ace:gMap|GMap] |
 | ice:gMapControl | ace:gMapControl |
| ice:gMapDirection | |
 | ice:gMapGeoXml | |
 | ice:gMapLatLng | |
 | ice:gMapLatLngs | |
 | ice:gMapMarker | |
  | ice:gMapDirection | |
 | ice:gMapGeoXml | |
 | ice:gMapLatLng | |
 | ice:gMapLatLngs | |
 | ice:gMapMarker | |
 | ice:graphicImage | [ace:graphicImage|GraphicImage] |
 | ice:headerRow | [ace:dataTable|DataTable] |
 | ice:inputHidden | [ace:textEntry|TextEntry] w/ "visible=false" |
| ice:inputFile | [ace:fileEntry|fileEntry] |
 | ice:inputRichText | [ace:richTextEntry|RichTextEntry] |
 | ice:inputSecret | [ace:textEntry|TextEntry] w/ "secret=true" |
 | ice:inputText | [ace:textEntry|TextEntry] |
 | ice:inputTextArea | [ace:textAreaEntry|TextAreaEntry] |
 | ice:jsEventListener | [icecore:jsEventListener|jsEventListener] |
 | ice:loadBundle | [icecore:loadBundle|loadBundle] |
 | ice:menuBar | [ace:menuBar|Menu and Menubar] |
 | ice:menuItem | [ace:menuItem|MenuItem] |
| ice:menuItems | c:forEach ? |
  | ice:menuItems | c:forEach |
 | ice:menuItemSeparator | [ace:menuSeparator|MenuSeparator] |
 | ice:menuPopup | [ace:contextMenu|ContextMenu] |
 | ice:message | [ace:message|Message] |
 | ice:messages | [ace:messages|Messages] |
 | ice:outputChart | [ace:chart|Chart] |
 | ice:outputConnectionStatus | [ace:submitMonitor|SubmitMonitor] |
 | ice:outputFormat | h:outputFormat |
 | ice:outputLabel | ace:*Entry w/ "labelPosition", or h:outputLabel |
 | ice:outputLink | [ace:linkButton|LinkButton] |
 | ice:outputMedia | [ace:audioPlayer|AudioPlayer], [ace:videoPlayer|VideoPlayer] |
 | ice:outputProgress | [ace:progressBar|ProgressBar] |
 | ice:outputResource | [ace:dynamicResource|DynamicResource], [mobi:deviceResource|DeviceResource] |
 | ice:outputStyle | h:outputStyleSheet |
 | ice:outputText | h:outputText |
| ice:panelBorder | ace:borderLayout ? |
 | ice:panelCollapsible | [ace:panel|Panel] |
  | ice:panelBorder | ace:borderLayout |
 | ice:panelCollapsible | [ace:panel|Panel] |
 | ice:panelConfirmation | [ace:confirmationDialog|ConfirmationDialog] |
 | ice:panelDivider | [ace:layoutPanel|LayoutPanel] |
 | ice:panelGrid | h:panelGrid |
 | ice:panelGroup | h:panelGroup, [ace:panel|Panel], [ace:draggable|Draggable], [ace:droppable|Droppable] |
| ice:panelLayout | |
  | ice:panelLayout | |
 | ice:panelPopup\\ | [ace:dialog||ace:dialog]\\ |
 | ice:panelPositioned | [ace:list|List] |
| ice:panelSeries | |
 | ice:panelStack | h:panelStack |
  | ice:panelSeries | c:forEach |
 | ice:panelStack | ace:panelStack (4.1) |
 | ice:panelTab | [ace:tabPane|TabPane] |
 | ice:panelTabSet | [ace:tabSet|TabSet] |
 | ice:panelTooltip | [ace:tooltip|Tooltip], [ace:delegate|Delegate] |
 | ice:portlet | N/A |
 | ice:radio | [ace:radioButton|RadioButton], [ace:buttonGroup|ButtonGroup] |
 | ice:repeat | |
  | ice:repeat | |
 | ice:rowSelector | [ace:dataTable|DataTable] |
 | ice:selectBooleanCheckbox | [ace:checkboxButton|CheckboxButton], [ace:buttonGroup|ButtonGroup] |
 | ice:selectInputDate | [ace:dateTimeEntry|DateTimeEntry] |
 | ice:selectInputText | [ace:autoCompleteEntry|AutoCompleteEntry], [ace:selectMenu|SelectMenu], [ace:simpleSelectOneMenu|SimpleSelectOneMenu] |
 | ice:selectManyCheckbox | [ace:checkboxButton|CheckboxButton] w/ ace:buttonGroup |
 | ice:selectManyListbox | [ace:list|List] |
 | ice:selectManyMenu | [ace:list|List] |
 | ice:selectOneListbox | [ace:list|List] |
 | ice:selectOneMenu | [ace:selectMenu|SelectMenu], [ace:simpleSelectOneMenu|SimpleSelectOneMenu] |
 | ice:selectOneRadio | [ace:radioButton|RadioButton] w/ [ace:buttonGroup|ButtonGroup] |
 | ice:setEventPhase | [icecore:setEventPhase|setEventPhase] |
 | ice:tabChangeListener | N/A |
 | ice:tree | [ace:tree|Tree] |
 | ice:treeNode | [ace:treeNode|TreeNode] |

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