Open PDF files

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Opening PDF Files

You can open a PDF file from the local file system or from a URL.

To open a local PDF file
  1. Launch your ICEpdf application (if it is not already running).
  2. Click File > Open > File (in the menu).
  3. In the Open dialog box, select a PDF file and click Open.
To open a PDF from a URL
  1. Launch ICEpdf.
  2. Select File > Open > URL (in the menu).
  3. In the Open URL dialog box, type the URL of a PDF file in the form and click OK.
To open a PDF using Drag and Drop

You can open a PDF file by dragging it from your file system onto the Viewer application window. You can also drag and drop multiple files at once.

Furthermore, some applications allow you to drag and drop URL text strings. If you drag a URL pointing to a PDF file onto the Viewer application, that file is opened. The text string must contain an http:// prefix and a *.pdf reference.

If a file is password protected and security support has been configured, a password dialog is displayed. You have three attempts to enter the correct password, after which an error message is displayed. If the file has other security settings, such as "No Printing", the ICEpdf Viewer respects those settings.
Opening Multiple PDF Files

The ICEpdf Viewer implements a Single Document Interface (SDI) for viewing PDF files. Multiple PDF files can be viewed at the same time, each in its own application window. Some MDI functionality has been included in the Window menu, which allows the user to switch between each open Viewer window, minimize all Viewer windows, and bring all Viewer windows to the front.

An additional ICEpdf Viewer window is opened automatically when you open another PDF file.

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