Optimized Font Substitution

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Some PDF documents do not embed the fonts required to render the document in the document itself. For ICEpdf to display these documents accurately, it must substitute an available system font for any non-embedded fonts used in the document. The following optional but recommended configurations can be used to improve ICEpdf's ability to find and select a system font that best matches the non-embedded font specified by the PDF document.

Supporting the 14 Standard Adobe Fonts

To enable the best possible font substitution for the 14 standard Adobe fonts, ICEsoft recommends that you download and install the fonts provided by Ghostscript, which are freely available at:



The steps to install the fonts are platform-specific:


  1. Unzip the download file and extract the .pfm files to a temporary directory.
  2. Launch Fonts from the Control Panel.
  3. Select File > Install New Font.
  4. Navigate to the temporary directory, select the fonts, and click OK.

Other Platforms
For Linux, Solaris, or Mac OS X platforms, see your system documentation for information on installing the fonts.

Installation Notes

  1. The GhostScript fonts include fonts for different operating systems and when installing them on Windows or other platforms you me be presented with an error dialogue that some font did not correctly install. This is normal, fonts that could be installed will be installed regardless of the message.
  2. Once new system fonts have been stalled it is important to removed the ICEpdf font cache file to insure that ICEpdf will rescan the system for valid fonts. Delete the file ~/.icesoft/icepdf-viewer/pdfviewerfontcache.properties to clear the font cache.
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