Disabling ICEfaces

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ICEfaces makes it very easy to add Ajax capabilities to existing JSF applications. Simply adding the icefaces.jar to a JSF application will affect the necessary changes in the page markup to trigger the use of Ajax during interactions with components and during form submission.

However, for certain diagnostic situations, it may be useful to turn off ICEfaces' automatic Ajax behaviour. For turning off ICEfaces for a selected view, you can can use the <icecore:config render="false"> tag on the relevant page. For additional details, see the description of the <icecore:config> tag.

If you need to deactivate ICEfaces event capturing in a more specific and selective way, you can simply disable Ajax for that form:

<h:form > 
        <f:ajax event="click" disabled="true" /> 

or wrap that form in an ajax tag:

<f:ajax event="click" disabled="true" > 
  <h:form > 
Note the event="click" is required for the form tag to detect the ajax disabled condition as it does not respond to the default action event of the ajax tag.

However, since the <f:ajax> tag is a standard JSF feature, disabling ICEfaces this way may have unintended side effects during JSF processing. In those cases, ICEfaces provides a custom form attribute:

<h:form > 
        <f:attribute name="DISABLE_CAPTURE_SUBMIT" value="true" /> 

If the form element contains the attribute DISABLE_CAPTURE_SUBMIT then the automatic Ajax capturing function ice.captureSubmit() is not written, effectively disabling ICEfaces event capturing.

This attribute is intended for diagnostic purposes only. It may be changed or removed in future releases.
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