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Ajax behavior of the ICEmobile components can be customized with the use of the <mobi:ajax /> tag.

Many of the attributes of the <mobi:ajax />:

event - the event that will trigger the ajax request.

In addition to these attributes that are similar to <f:ajax />, another set of attributes are supported that offer more control over the ajax request on the client side. For example, by using the onStart attribute, it is possible to decide whether the ajax request is sent or not to the server, on the client-side.

onStart - Client-side callback to execute before the request is sent to the server.

It is also possible to nest more than one <mobi:ajax /> tag in the same component, even though they may specify the same event. A separate ajax request will be made for each tag.


<h:form id="form1">
    <h:outputText value="Select values for execute and render below to test"/>
    <mobi:flipswitch value="#{input.boolean1}" id="ajaxOne" labelOn="ON" labelOff="OFF">
        <mobi:ajax event="activate" execute="@this" render="valueA" />
    <h3>Form 1</h3>
    <span>Value A: </span><h:inputText id="valueA" value="#{input.testBool}" />
    <span>Value B: </span><h:inputText id="valueB" value="#{input.testBool}" />

this will execute the flipswitch element and update only the valueA area. Using singleSubmit to true on this component is equivalent to execute="@this" render="@all".

This section covers attributes involved in the typical use-cases for this component. The complete taglib documentation for this component is available here.

Tag Handler Documentation


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