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The ace:breadcrumbMenu component displays a horizontal bar of menu items. The crumbs are encoded by child menuItem tags and can be marked up inline or dynamically using a menu model.

BreadcrumbMenu is a horizontal bar of breadcrumb menu items. The crumbs are encoded by child menuItem tags. The menu items can be encoded inline or dynamically using a menu model (org.icefaces.ace.model.MenuModel). The icon attribute is not used. The icon will be forced to a home page icon for the first item and a right arrow icon for the rest. The last (or only) item will also be forced to be disabled.

Getting Started

To use the breadcrumbMenu component, first the ace component name-space has to be added in your page.

<html ... xmlns:ace="">

 Now you ready to use breadcrumbMenu component, here is the basic example:


TagLib Documentation
This section covers attributes involved in the typical use-cases for this component. For reference, the complete taglib documentation for this component is available here.

Define the model of slider:
The model attribute of breadcrumbMenu allows the user to create and maintain a dynamic list of links representing an action or URL.


Event Listeners

Although not containing any of its own action Listeners, each menuItem child will have it's own ability to have an acitonListener.

Client Behavior Events

No direct client behavior is currently associated with this component. Please see those for


JavaScript API


Keyboard Support

Move to the maximum value of the slider. |

Known Issues

Additional Resources

Sample Applications

The breadcrumbMenu component appears in the following ICEfaces sample applications:

ICEfaces Showcase


This component appears in the following ICEfaces tutorials:


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