Creating New Eclipse Project without Plugin

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Creating New Eclipse Project with Eclipse Luna and ICEfaces 4.

A plug-in is not required meaning that users do not need to wait for one to be developed before using the latest releases with the Eclipse IDE. Following these simple steps using Eclipse Luna (Java EE download) and ICEfaces-4.0.0.RC1 to create a new Eclipse web project for Tomcat 7.

Development Tools Used

The following tools are used in this tutorial:

  • Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
  • Tomcat 7.x Web Server
  • Java 6.x or 7.x

    Creating an Dynamic Web Project with JSF 2.2

    Step 1 Simply start up Eclipse and then create a Dynamic Web Project

    Step 2 Add the correct jsf 2.2 library. Check the release notes of the particular ICEfaces bundle you have downloaded to determine which versions are supported. [ICEfaces-4.0.0-RC1 release notes#]
    This indicates Mojarra 2.2.7, so that would be the version we are looking for:-

    Instead of the standard jsf 2 library (currently 2.2.0), we will use the version in our distribution bundle. Later will show how to use maven to download the correct libraries. Click on the icon that looks like books on the inserted image above, then you will add the library shown from your downloaded ICEfaces 4 distribution bundle as below:-

    Now you have the 2.2.7 Library as a User Library in Eclipse to use for all your projects using ICEFaces-4.0.0-RC1. You can also create an ICEfaces4 Library (include icefaces, icepush, icefaces-ace and/or icefaces-mobi) in the same manner, however, if you are sharing the project with others use Eclipse, this is not recommended as the path will not always be the same. So, now we will add the ICEfaces library directly into this project. If you are using maven, this is not an issue as the maven pom will access a shared repository for all users. (insert link to maven info here).

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