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The mobi:camcorder component renders a button that launches the Bridgeit application on the user's device to record a video and upload it to the server, storing the video as the value of this component.

Getting Started

To start using the Camcorder component, simply place the mobi:camcorder tag inside a form and bind the value to a backing bean property.

	<mobi:camcorder id="camcorder"
			captureMessageLabel="Video captured"/>
private Map video = new HashMap();
public void setVideo(Map video) { = video;

public Map getVideo() {
	return video;


TagLib Documentation
This section covers attributes involved in the typical use-cases for this component. For reference, the complete taglib documentation for this component is available here.

The value attribute must resolve to an object of type java.util.Map<String,Object> in the backing bean. Once the video is uploaded, this map will contain the following keys: 'file' will be mapped to the File object representing the video, 'contentType' will be mapped to a string that indicates the content type of the file, and 'relativePath' will be mapped to a string containing the relative path of the file in the server.

The buttonLabel specifies the label of the button before it is activated.

The captureMessageLabel specifies the label to be displayed on the button on a successful video capture.

Event Listeners


Client Behavior Events


JavaScript API


Keyboard Support

Standard keyboard actions for HTML buttons are supported, such as tabindex and pressing the enter or space keys to activate the button.

Known Issues


Additional Resources

Sample Applications

This component appears in the following ICEfaces sample applications:


This component appears in the following ICEfaces tutorials:


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