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Getting Started:

To use the slider component, first the sparkle component name-space has to be added in your page.
<html xmlns:ann=""

The second step is to apply yui-skin-name on the parent element of slider component.
<h:form styleClass="yui-skin-name">

Now you ready to use slider component, here is the basic example:
<ann:slider />

By now page should look like this:
<html xmlns:ann=""
<h:form styleClass="yui-skin-name">
<ann:slider />
YUI Attributes:

Value of slider:
The value attribute of slider represents the current value. The default is 0.

<ann:slider value="60"/>

//using managed bean
<ann:slider value="#{bean.value}"/>

Minimum value of slider:
The min attribute specify value at the far left ot top of the rail. Default is 0.

<ann:slider min="10"/>

Maximum value of slider:
The max attribute specify value at the far right or bottom of the rail. Default is 0.

Changing the axis:
This attribute specifies horizontal or vertical slider, "y" is for vertical. The default value is "x".

<ann:slider axis="y"/>

Defining the rail size of the slider:
The railSize attribute defines the heiht of vertical Slider rail and width of horizontal slider rail. Default value is 150px.
<ann:slider railSize="250px"/>

Defining the thumb image:
The thumbImage attribute takes the path to an image to use as the <img> for the thumb. Default is /skins/sam/thumb-classic-x.png

<ann:slider thumbImage="images/slider/myThumb.png" />

Additional attributes:

Defining style:
The is a pass through to the root element of the slider.

Defining style class:
The is a pass through to the root element of the slider.

Defining tabindex:
The is a pass through to the root element of the slider.

Defining the submission behaviour:
When singleSubmit attribute is true, the slider value change event request a submit call with execute=@this and render=@all, if false then full submit happens where execute being set to @all. default valid is false.

When to submit slider:
The submitOn attribute, allows you to define when to notify server. 3 possible values are "slideStart", "slideEnd" and "slideInterval". Default is "slideEnd"
<ann:slider submitOn="slideStart" />

Defining slideInterval, when submitOn is set to "slideInterval":
The slideInterval attribute comes into an effect when you use submitOn="slideInterval". The sliderInterval take the value of interval, default is 500 milliseconds.
<ann:slider submitOn="slideInterval" slideInterval="300"/>

Capture value change event:
The slider component fires a valueChange event, which can be captured using a valueChangeListener attribute on slider component.

<ann:slider valueChangeListener="#{bean.sliderChanged}"/>