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h1. Debugging

ICEfaces provides client and server side logging that allows developers to verify the correct functioning of the application and follow up any issues that might occur during application development.

h2. Client side logging

h3. Single Window Logging

Each bridge instance hosted within a browser window will have its own logging output to the browser's native console. The logging levels are matched by ICEfaces logging so that console's level filtering can be used. To view these logs you must have the browser's JavaScript console open for each browser tab or window that you wish to view logging for.

h3. Global Client Logging

Additionally, a browser global logging feature is provided to capture and store the combined client logging output of all open application windows and tabs. This is especially useful when debugging applications that commonly use more than one open tab or window concurrently.

!GlobalLoggerWin.png|align=center, vspace=8!

The logging can be enabled or disabled from the log page. Also the size of the log can be set, the limit is defined in kilobytes to adjust it to the limits that each browser has for their local storage.
Capturing the logs can be done by copying the log entries to the clipboard by using the *Copy log to clipboard* button or they can be saved to the files system using the *Download log* button.

{tip}The global log page can always be accessed at _\{protocol}://\{host}:\{port}/\{context}/javax.faces.resource/log.html.jsf\?ln=ice.core_ URL in the supported browsers (Internet Explorer 8+, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari).{tip}