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h2. Core Tags

To use any of the core tags, first declare the core namespace:
<html ... xmlns:icecore="">
The ICEfaces 2 core framework supports the following tags in your Facelets markup:

h3. <icecore:singleSubmit> {anchor:icecoresinglesubmit}

The <icecore:singleSubmit> tag is designed to allow submission from just the component generating the event and then update the page with any changes from all components. It's used in the following way:

{code:xml}<h:form id="form1" prependId="false">
<icecore:singleSubmit rendered="true" />
More detailed information can be found in the [Single Submit] section.

h3. <icecore:config> {anchor:icecoreconfig}

You can use the ICEfaces configuration tag to adjust behaviour on a per-page basis. These settings take precedence over [corresponding application global settings|ICE:Configuration|Configuration] specified via context-param entries in the web.xml. To do so, add the <ice:config/> tag to the page and then set one or more of the following attributes:

h5. ariaEnabled

{code:xml}<icecore:config ariaEnabled="true"/>{code}
Allows control of DOM rendering on a per-page basis. By default, when ICEfaces is available, ARIA support is enabled. By using this setting in in conjunction with the application-scoped org.icefaces.aria.enabled context parameter, you can control whether or not ARIA support is active on an individual page.

h5. blockUIOnSubmit

{code:xml}<icecore:config blockUIOnSubmit="false"/>{code}
h5. lazyPush

{code:xml}<icecore:config lazyPush="false"/>{code}
Allows control of lazy Ajax Push activation on a per-page basis. By default, when ICEpush is available, the Ajax Push feature will only activate when the first push request is called. By using this setting in in conjunction with the application-scoped org.icefaces.lazyPush context parameter, you can control the lazy activation of Ajax Push on a per-page basis.
h5. mandatoryResource

*\[*{*}{_}As of ICEfaces 2.1{_}{*}*\]*

{code:xml}<icecore:config mandatoryResource="all|none|(space delimited list of components)"/>{code}
A space-delimited list of components that will have their requisite resources pre-loaded on this page. The pre-loading allows the components to function correctly even if they are later added to the page dynamically. The values "none" (which is the default) and "all" are also valid. The value of this attribute on a page takes precedence over the values specified by the context parameter org.icefaces.mandatoryResourceConfiguration. See [Configuration#mandatoryResourceConfiguration] for additional details.

h5. messagePersistence

*\[*{*}{_}As of ICEfaces 2.1{_}{*}*\]*

{code:xml}<icecore:config messagePersistence="true"/>{code}
Allows control of message persistence on a per-page basis. By default, when ICEfaces is available, FacesMessages are persisted across different partial submits from the same page. This setting can be used to disable this behavior on a per-page basis.

h5. render

{code:xml}<icecore:config render="true"/>{code}
Allows control of DOM rendering on a per-page basis. By default, when ICEfaces is available, DOM rendering and partial page updates are enabled for stock JSF components. By using this setting in in conjunction with the application-scoped context parameter, you can control whether or not ICEfaces is active on an individual page. See [Configuration] for additional details.

h3. <icecore:push> {anchor:icecorepush}

*\[*{*}{_}As of ICEfaces 2.1{_}{*}*\]*

You can use the ICEfaces push tag to configure push behavior on a per-view basis. To do so, add the <ice:push/> tag to the page and then set one or more attributes. A view can be added to one or more push groups by adding one or more occurrences of this tag.

h5. group

{code:xml}<icecore:push group="groupName"/>{code}
Allows control of the current view being added to a push group. This is a mandatory attribute specifying the group the view must be added to.