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h1. ICEpdf 4.3.0 Release Notes

*{_}January 16th, 2012{_}*
h3. Contents

This document includes the following sections:

* [About This Release|#about]
* [Notable Changes and Enhancements|#notablechanges]
* [Known Issues|#knownissues]
* [Migration Notes|#migrationnotes]
* [Support|#support]


h3. About This Release

ICEpdf v4.3 is a certified production release that introduces important new features such as thumbnail utility pane, Adobe Standard Security Revision 4 and 5, improved soft mask image support, colour conversion and rendering of CID fonts. This release also includes more than 30 bug-fixes and enhancements.


h3. Notable Changes and Enhancements

* *Rendering Core*
** Addition of Crypt Filter support for decoding encrypted streams.
** Updated the Standard Security Handler to support key lengths of 128 and 256 bits used in revision 4 and 5 of the security algorithm.
** Addition of a Page level API to access embedded thumbnail image data.
** Fixed several issues with how CID font mappings are calculated which greatly enhance the display of some symbols and none-Latin glyphs.
** Corrected a rare Type 4 Function handling error that could result in an incorrectly calculated colour value.
** Improved the colour accuracy of YCCK to RGB colour conversion.
** Added further rendering support for various image types that use a soft mask to create a transparent area.
** cmap parsing errors
** Fixed an issue where some DeviceGray colours values could not be correctly mapped.
** Added additional support for the decode array when processing an images colour model.
** Fixed a rare parsing issue which resulted in some text being both upside down and in reverse.
** Licensing headers have been updated to Apache 2.0.

* *Viewer RI*
** Addition of page preview thumbnails to the Viewer RI utility pane.
** Fixed a parsing issue which may have prevent some outline text from being displayed correctly.
** Add a new PropertiesManager property "application.utilitypane.thumbnail.zoom" which allows the end user to control zoom level used to build a thumbnail preview, the default 0.1 or 10%.

For a complete list of all changes in this release, see the related JIRA [Change Log|].



h3. Known Issues

The following section describes the most commonly encountered known issues with this release. For a complete reference of all outstanding issues please refer to the JIRA issue tracker.
* Batik libraries version 1.7 for SVG export has a known issue which will cause a null pointer when using the class SVGGraphics2D. Please use Batik version 1.6 or earlier (included in this release bundle), [].
* Depending on which version of the Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) library you are using, the installer program may assume you are installing it on a J2SE JDK installation. If you install the JAI into a J2SE JRE installation, you may need to move the installed files from the /jre subdirectory that the installer creates to the jre directory above. Newer versions of the JAI installer program have fixed this issue.



h3. Migration Notes

h4. 3.x to 4.x Migration Notes

The following changes may affect applications that were originally developed with a previous version of ICEpdf.
ICEpdf Core API
* When extracting text using the org.icepdf.core.pobjects.Page Object the method not longer turns a Vector of Strings. Instead it now returns the data structure See class document and the example _install_dir_/icepdf/examples/extraction/ for correct usage.

h4. 2.x to 4.x Migration Notes

The following changes may affect applications that were originally developed with a previous version of ICEpdf.

*ICEpdf Jar File Changes*
* The ICEpdf jar file names have been updated to better indicate their respective usage.
* Please update your applications to reflect the new jar names.
** icepdf-core.jar - was icepdf.jar, contains core ICEpdf rendering classes.
** icepdf-viewer.jar - was ri_pdf.jar, contains viewer reference implementation.
** icepdf-pro.jar ^\*^ \- Professional font library available under commercial licensing.
** icepdf-pro-int.jar ^\*^ \- Professional font library CMap files, available under commercial licensing.
^\*^ Denotes JAR files that are only available in ICEpdf Pro commercial release.

*API Packaging Changes*
* ICEpdf 4.0 packaging has been updated to match the domain of the new community site [].
* Please update your applications to reflect the new base package name.
** Former package-name: com.icesoft.\*
** New package-name: org.icepdf.\*
* The ICEpdf API rendering core is now rooted at org.icepdf.core.*.
* The ICEpdf API viewer reference implementation is now rooted at org.icepdf.ri.*.

*System Properties*
* ICEpdf system properties have been changed to match the domain name of the community site [].
* Please update your applications use of ICEpdf system properties to reflect the new base package name.
** Former package-name: com.icesoft.\*
** New package-name: org.icepdf.\*

*JDK 1.5\+ Now Required*
* ICEpdf source code has been updated to the JDK 1.5 Java language specification to take advantage of numerous features and improvements to the Java programming language. As a result, ICEpdf v4.0 is not deployable to Java JRE versions older than 1.5.
* Older versions of the Java JDK and JRE have been added to Sun's end of life and are no longer publicly supported.
** JDK 1.3.1 reached the end of its service life (EOSL), December 11th, 2006.
** JDK 1.4.2 reached the end of its service life (EOSL), October 11th, 2008.
* For more information on Java Platform Migration please see [].

*Logging System*
* ICEpdf 4.0 now uses Java logging API for all logging tasks.
* A sample file is included in the directory .../install_dir/icepdf/lib/.
* The custom logging properties file can be specified with the following system property:
** \
* Further information on java.util.logging can be found at [].



h3. Support

Please visit the [|] community site for additional information, demos, and resources.

All questions, comments, or general discussion specific to ICEpdf 4.0 should be made in the [ICEpdf Forum|] forum.

For information on commercial support, professional services, and training, please visit []. !icepdf-logo-release-notes.gif!