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h2. Overview

The _ace:Column_ renders a HTML td element representing a single column of data in the rows of the iterating parent DataTable.

Features of the column and interacting components include:
* Row Editing
* Row Panel Expansion
* Row Sub-row Expansion
* Filtering
* Sorting
* Column Visibility
* Column Stacking
* Column Configuration Panel
* Edit and Filter Event Listeners
* Column, Row Spanning Headers & Footers
* Optional Application-bound State
** Filtering
** Sorting

h2. Getting Started
<ace:dataTable var="track" value="#{bean.tracks}">
<ace:column headerText="Album">
<h:outputText value="#{track.album}"/>

h2. Attributes
{tip:title=TagLib Documentation}This section covers attributes involved in the typical use-cases for this component. For reference, the complete taglib documentation for this component is available [here|].{tip}
*sortBy* \- Value expression defining the object this column will sort by.
{code:xml|borderStyle=dashed} <ace:column sortBy="#{track.album}">
<h:outputText value="#{track.album}"/>
*sortFunction* \- Value expression for a Comparator<Object> that will be used to sort the objects referred to by *sortBy*. If this property is not defined, it is assumed that the objects referred to by *sortBy* implement the Comparable interface.
{code:xml|borderStyle=dashed} <ace:column sortBy="#{track.album}" sortFunction="#{bean.albumCustomSortFunction}">
<h:outputText value="#{}"/>
*sortPriority* \- Priority of this column among columns of a multi-column sort, starting at 1. Available for binding in situations of application initated or application persisted sorted states. Having a non-null priority enables sorting for this column when applyFilters() is called on the DataTable.
{code:xml|borderStyle=dashed} <ace:column sortBy="#{track.album}" sortPriority="#{bean.albumSortPriority}" >
<h:outputText value="#{track.album}"/>
*sortAscending* \- Boolean value indicating if this sorted (as indicated by a set *sortPriority*) column is ascending.
{code:xml|borderStyle=dashed} <ace:column sortBy="#{track.album}" sortAscending="#{bean.albumSortAscending}">
<h:outputText value="#{track.album}"/>
*filterBy* \- Value expression defining the object this column will filter by.
{code:xml|borderStyle=dashed} <ace:column filterBy="#{track.album}">
<h:outputText value="#{track.album}"/>
*filterValue* \- Value of the filter input field. The input that will be used to filter the objects defined by *filterBy*.
{code:xml|borderStyle=dashed} <ace:column filterBy="#{track.album}" filterValue="#{bean.albumFilterInput}">
<h:outputText value="#{track.album}"/>
*filterOptions* \- A collection of SelectItem objects for use as filter choices.
Managed Bean:
{code:java|borderStyle=dashed} public List<SelectItem> filterOptions = new ArrayList<SelectItem>() {{
add(new SelectItem("Van"));
add(new SelectItem("Bus"));
add(new SelectItem("Compact"));
add(new SelectItem("Semi-Truck"));
add(new SelectItem("Pickup"));
Facelet Markup:
{code:xml|borderStyle=dashed} <ace:column filterBy="#{track.albumn}" filterOptions="#{bean.filterOptions}">
<h:outputText value="#{track.album}"/>
*filterMatchMode* \- Method of String comparison used to evaluate the filter, types available include: "contains", "exact", "startsWith", "endsWith". Defaults to "startsWith".
{code:xml|borderStyle=dashed} <ace:column filterBy="#{track.albumn}" filterMatchMode="exact">
<h:outputText value="#{track.album}"/>
*rowspan* \- Defines the number of Row objects this Column should span. Only relevant on a Column used inside a ColumnGroup and Row component.
{code:xml|borderStyle=dashed} <ace:columnGroup type="header">
<ace:column colSpan="2">
<ace:column rowSpan="2">
*colspan* \- Defines the number of TD elements this Column should span. Only relevant on a Column used inside a ColumnGroup and Row component.
{code:xml|borderStyle=dashed} <ace:columnGroup type="header">
<ace:column colSpan="2">
*headerText* \- A plain text header with less effort than adding a facet.
{code:xml|borderStyle=dashed} <ace:column headerText="Album">
<h:outputText value="#{track.album}"/>

{info:title=Component Documentation}This section covers components signifigant to the conventional row selection / pagination / expandable panel sample above. For further reference on the features listed in the overview, see the [related components section|DataTable#related], the [section related to lazy loading|DataTable#lazy] and the [complete taglib|] & [API] documentation for this component.{info}
[_TableConfigPanel_|TableConfigPanel] \- Renders a panel allowing the configuration of Column features, like visibility, filtering, sorting and column order in a single compact control.
h2. Known Issues


h2. Related Components

* _[DataTable|DataTable]_
* _[ColumnGroup|ColumnGroup]_
* _[CellEditor|CellEditor]_
* _[Row|Row]_
* _[RowEditor|RowEditor]_
* _[ExpansionToggler|ExpansionToggler]_
* _[TableConfigPanel|TableConfigPanel]_
* _[DataExporter|DataExporter]_