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h2. Overview
_Since 2.0_

The _ace:pushButton_ component allows submission of a form in it's entirety or also the submission of itself only. This component supports an action attribute as well as an _actionListener_ attribute similar to a _h:commandButton_.

{tip}See the ICEfaces Showcase [Live Demo|] of this component, complete with source code.{tip}

h2. Getting Started
<html ... xmlns:ace="">

<h:form >
<h:panelGroup id="push1">
label="this button submits the entire form"
actionListener="#{button.actionListenerMethod}" />
h2. Attributes

{tip:title=TagLib Documentation}This section covers attributes involved in the typical use-cases for this component. For reference, the complete taglib documentation for this component is available [here|].{tip}
*value* refers to the text written on the button, similar to that of jsf commandButton.
*label* If no value present, the label will be used for the pushButton. Otherwise if both are used, the label will be used to define the aria-role, described-by.

*style:* a pass through to the root element of the component.
*styleClass* a pass through to the root element of the component.
*tabindex* a pass through to the root element of the component, default=0.
*disabled* a pass through to the root element of the component.
The following attributes are supported as pass-thru attributes: *accesskey*, *alt*, *dir*, *label*, *lang*, *style*, *tabindex*, *title*, *type*, *onchange*, *onselect*, *onclick*, *ondblclick*, *onkeydown*, *onkeypress*, *onkeyup*, *onmousedown*, *onmousemove*, *onmouseout*, *onmouseover*, *onmouseup*, *onblur*, *onfocus*

h2. Event Listeners

As a descendant of UICommand, this component supports an action listener.

| actionListener | Method that will be notified when the component is activated by the user |

h2. Client Behavior Events

| action | Fired when the button is clicked or pressed by any other means (default event). |

{tip}Prior to 4.0 this event was named "activate". The "activate" event name is now deprecated but treated as an alias for "action" for backwards compatibility with existing applications.{tip}

h2. JavaScript API


h2. Keyboard and ARIA Support

The following ARIA roles are supported: button.

h2. CSS Classes

The following markup represents the basic HTML structure of the component and the CSS classes it uses.

<div class="yui-content ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom">
<div class="ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom">
<div class="[user defined classes]" style="[user defined styles]">
<span class="first-child">
<button class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all">

h2. Known Issues


h2. Additional Resources
