h3. About the Content Extraction Examples
The Content Extraction examples demonstrate how to use the ICEpdf Document class to extract meta-data, text, and images from within a PDF document.
There are three individual extraction examples:
The source-code for these examples is located at:
* [http://anonsvn.icesoft.org/repo/icepdf/trunk/icepdf/examples/extraction/].
A primer on using Maven or Gradle build commands can be found [here (Maven)| http://www.icesoft.org/wiki/display/PDF/Maven+Build] and [here (Gradle)| http://www.icesoft.org/wiki/display/PDF/Gradle+Build]
The Content Extraction examples demonstrate how to use the ICEpdf Document class to extract meta-data, text, and images from within a PDF document.
There are three individual extraction examples:
The source-code for these examples is located at:
* [http://anonsvn.icesoft.org/repo/icepdf/trunk/icepdf/examples/extraction/].
A primer on using Maven or Gradle build commands can be found [here (Maven)| http://www.icesoft.org/wiki/display/PDF/Maven+Build] and [here (Gradle)| http://www.icesoft.org/wiki/display/PDF/Gradle+Build]