
Table of Contents


Since 4.2 EE

The ace:listExporter component is a utility to export data from an ace:list component as an Excel, PDF, XML or CSV document. This component renders an HTML button. More components and HTML elements can be nested inside this tag to give a different look to the button..

See the ICEfaces Showcase Live Demo of this component, complete with source code.

Getting Started

In most cases, it's enough to add the tag on the page without any configuration.

<html ... xmlns:ace="">
        <ace:list id="myList/>
            label="Export File"


TagLib Documentation
This section covers attributes involved in the typical use-cases for this component. For reference, the complete taglib documentation for this component is available here.

target: Define the id of the ace:list component whose data will be exported.

type: Define the format of file export. Available formats: "xls", "xlsx", "pdf", "csv", and "xml".

fileName: Define the filename of the generated file, defaults to the target id.

label: Define the text that will appear on the button to trigger the export. Default value is 'Export'. This attribute applies only if the component has no children.

selectedItemsOnly: Enable to export only the currently selected list items instead of the whole data set.

Client Behavior Events

action Triggers when the button is clicked or pressed by any other means. By default, both this ace:listExporter component and the target ace:list component are executed in this ajax request.

Javascript API

ICEfaces 4+

The "widgetVar" attribute on the ACE components has been removed in ICEfaces 4 and in its place a new "ice.ace.instance()" client JavaScript object lookup API has been introduced. The reason for this change is to enable lazy-initialization of the ACE component JavaScript objects to improve runtime performance and reduce browser memory use.

var widget = ice.ace.instance('frm:componentId);
The ice.ace.instance function requires the full client id of the component to be specified, such as "j_idt77:componentId" instead of just "componentId". To reduce the complexity of working with complete IDs with this function it may be preferable in some cases to use prependId="false" in the enclosing form (e.g. <h:form prependId="false">).
This component doesn't have a client-side API made specifically to be used by application developers. However, the component's internal methods and variables can be accessed in this way, including the underlying jQuery object and objects from underlying Javascript libraries (if applicable), and can be used for whatever purpose a developer might have in mind.

Keyboard and ARIA Support

Not supported at the moment.

Known Issues

None at the moment.

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