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Since 3.0

The ace:tableConfigPanel component enables the user to adjust the state of several column attributes through a convenient, ready-made interface. The component renders the controls on a hidden panel launched by a button, whose location is defined by the 'type' attribute.

See the ICEfaces Showcase Live Demo of this component, complete with source code.

Getting Started

<ace:tableConfigPanel id="tableConfig"

<ace:dataTable id="carTable"
    <ace:column headerText="ID">
    <ace:column headerText="Name" sortBy="#{}">
    <ace:column headerText="Chassis" sortBy="#{car.chassis}">
    <ace:column headerText="Weight" sortBy="#{car.weight}">
    <ace:column headerText="MPG" sortBy="#{car.mpg}">


TagLib Documentation
This section covers attributes involved in the typical use-cases for this component. For reference, the complete taglib documentation for this component is available here.

The columnOrderingConfigurable attribute enables the editing of column order on the TableConfigPanel. Default is false.

The columnVisibilityConfigurable attribute enables the editing of column visibility on the TableConfigPanel. Default is false.

The columnNameConfigurable attribute enables the editing of column name on the TableConfigPanel. Default is false.

The columnSortingConfigurable attribute enables the editing of table sorting on the TableConfigPanel. Default is false.

The hideDisabledRows attribute enables the hiding of Columns with the 'configurable' attribute set to false, from the TableConfigPanel. Normally the disabled columns are just rendered with a disabled state. Default is false.

The type attribute controls the placement of the button used to open the TableConfigPanel.
Options are first-col (left-most column, of the top-most row of a multi-row header), last-col (right-most column, of the bottom-most row of a multi-row header), in-col-left (to the left of the label of the specified column id), and in-col-right (to the right of the label of the specified column id).

The inColumnId the id of the column where the launcher button is placed when using the types in-col-left and in-col-right.

It's also possible to specify in ace:column the attributes columnOrderingConfigurable, columnVisibilityConfigurable, columnNameConfigurable, and columnSortingConfigurable, which apply specifically o that column, when more control is desired over each column's configurability.

Client Behavior Events

open Fired when the table config panel is opened by click its launch button.
submit Fired when the table config panel submits, either by clicking the launch button again or clicking the checkmark button on the panel. (default event)
cancel Fired when the table config panel closes by clicking the 'x' button table config panel.

Javascript API

The show() function is available to display the panel using a separate button or link. It works by first retrieving the table config object via ice.ace.instance(clientId) and the calling .show() on it, as in the following example.

<h:commandButton value="Show panel" onclick="ice.ace.instance('carForm:carTable:tableConfig').show();return false;" />

Keyboard Support

Sorting on the TableConfigPanel is keyboard configurable.

Keypress Result
Enter/Space Key Begin new sort in selected direction.
Meta Key + Enter/Space Key Add column to current sort in selected direction.


This component offers positioning options for both the launcher button and the panel itself. The position of the launcher button can be specified with the type and onColumnId attributes. The position of the panel itself can be specified with the offsetLeft and offsetTop attributes.

When the type is first-col, the launcher is rendered in the left-most column of the top-most row of a multi-row header; when it's last-col, the launcher is rendered in right-most column of the bottom-most row of a multi-row header; when the type is in-col-left or in-call-right, the launcher is rendered to the left or right, respectively, of the label of the column specified by inColumnId.

Once the launcher is clicked, the panel will be opened at the center of the viewport, unless the offsetLeft and/or offsetTop attributes are specified, which indicate values in pixels from its container, which is usually the document itself.

When modal is set to true, a gray overlay that covers the whole page is displayed behind the panel, and interaction with anything behind it is disabled.


<ace:dataTable id="carTable"
	<ace:tableConfigPanel id="tableConfig"
		modal="true" offsetLeft="200" offsetTop="100"
		type="in-col-left" inColumnId="secondCol">
	<ace:column id="firstCol" headerText="ID">
	<ace:column id="secondCol" headerText="Name">
	<ace:column id="thirdCol" headerText="Chassis">
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