
Table of Contents
Name: org.icefaces.ace.theme
Since: 3.0
Values: sam|rime|none|valid theme name
Scope: application


The ACE Components support the jQuery ThemeRoller theming system for component appearance. This system supports a comprehensive CSS-based component theming solution, including tools for creating custom ThemeRoller themes, and a large number of pre-defined themes to choose from.

The ACE Components library (icefaces-ace.jar) includes the following two themes:

  • sam - Default theme
  • rime - Theme for use when mixing ACE components with ICE components in the same application or page. Aligns with the ICE "Rime" theme.

In addition, the ICEfaces release bundle includes a large set of additional pre-defined ThemeRoller themes that have been converted for use with the ACE Components. Each theme is provided in its own .jar library file, and can be found in the following directory:


By default, ICEfaces will automatically load the "sam" theme on each page configured to use the ACE Components.

Application Scope

To configure ICEfaces to use an alternate theme, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that the .jar file for the theme you want to use in located inside the /WEB-INF/lib directory of your application (e.g. cupertino.jar).
  2. In your web.xml file, add or set the org.icefaces.ace.theme context parameter to the name of the theme as the value (e.g 'cupertino').

If you would like to disable the automatic theme loading feature set the org.icefaces.ace.theme context param to none, as illustrated below:

Disabling the automatic theme loading feature may be useful in cases where you would like complete control over all CSS being loaded in each page. As an alternative to the automatic theme loading approach, each page can load the styling resources with regular <link> tags or <h:outputStylesheet> components. Disabling the automatic theme loading feature also disables ACE's custom <h:head> renderer, in which case the default <h:head> renderer or another JSF library custom <h:head> renderer will be used.
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