JSF-ICEfaces Integration

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ICEmobile JSF/ICEfaces Support

ICEmobile supports JSF-based application development, leveraging the ICEfaces 3 core framework, and provides a wide spectrum of mobile-specific features for Enterprise JSF developers.


ICEmobile JSF/ICEfaces integration brings all the key features of ICEmobile to JSF developers. Additionally, ICEmobile inherits all the key features of ICEfaces, and is aimed at improving developer efficiency, and extending the JSF feature set. In particular, Direct-2-DOM Rendering, and Automatic Ajax simplify application development for both mobile and desktop application variants, and Ajax Push brings real time web collaboration to your mobile applications. You can review the details of the ICEmobile JSF/ICEfaces integration here.

ICEmobile Component Suite

All the ICEmobile UI web controls are available as JSF components in the ICEmobile Component Suite. The extensive suite includes:

  • Layout and Navigation Controls for page layout, navigation, and theming
  • Input and Selection Controls for handling user input
  • Media Controls for presenting audio, video and images
  • Native Controls for accessing device capabilities like camera,
    camcorder, and microphone

The components leverage automatic device detection and theming capabilities of ICEmobile to adapt their features to match the capabilities of the device they are being accessed from. This includes detection of major device types as well as container vs. non-container environments.

[ICEmobile Containers]

The [ICEmobile Containers] provide the native integration required to bring hybrid capabilities to a mobile application. Native controls in the ICEmobile Component Suite automatically adapt to the container environment, providing access to the native features of the client device.

Ajax Push

Ajax Push capabilities are available to ICEmobile applications via the standard ICEfaces Ajax Push APIs. The Ajax Push mechanism is augmented with Cloud Push capabilities that enable device notifications to be delivered when the application is not actively being used.

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