ACE Samples & Tutorials

Table of Contents

Sample Applications

The following ACE Component sample applications are included in the ICEfaces distribution bundle:

ICEfaces Showcase (showcase)

The ICEfaces Showcase example provides a comprehensive set of ACE component demonstrations.

The ICEfaces Showcase is also available online

This sample is located in:


From that directory, you can use ant to build the ICEfaces Showcase. The strategy is to build a .war file for the platform you are running on. All of the content-related files are located in:


So to build an showcase.war file for Tomcat 6.0 or 7.0 (non-JEE6 container), you would run the following ant command from the showcase directory:

showcase > ant clean servlet-profile

Alternatively, to build an showcase.war file for a JEE6 container, which includes the JSF libraries, you would run the following ant command from the showcase directory:

showcase > ant clean web-profile

The resulting showcase.war is located in:


This .war file can be deployed to the Tomcat "webapps" directory.

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