
Table of Contents

ICEpush is a foundational technology that provides Ajax Push capabilities to ICEfaces and ICEmobile. At the core of ICEpush is a lightweight, web-based, asynchronous notification protocol that enables pushing of real-time dynamic updates from a server-based web application to a client browser connected to that application. The following documentation is available:

Notification Protocol Overview: Describes the basics of the notification protocol, and how it integrates with a web application to enable pushing of real-time notifications.
JavaScript Integration: Describes the available JavaScript APIs for directly integration ICEpush with JavaScript/HTML5-based web applications.
JSF Integration: ICEfaces integrates with ICEpush, but provides it's own set of Ajax Push API's for JSF developer's to work with.
JSP Integration: ICEpush provides a JSP tag library that can be used with ICEmobile to support JSP/Spring MVC-based mobile application development.
Configuring the Cloud Push Email Notification Provider: Explains how to configure the Cloud Push Email Provider to send email notifications to users who are offline.
ICEpush Configuration Parameters: Describes specialized ICEpush configuration options.
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